Over the course of 1963, the  drafty, disused  Seal Kap Dairy barn was converted into a gymnasium of sorts, and affectionately christened the Barnasium by Trinity Junior College  students.

In his history of the early years of Trinity Western, Cal Hanson writes:

It was just before Christmas in our second academic year that the faculty first challenged the students to a game of basketball in the old brarn, fondly known as the the ‘barnasium.”  With a plywood floor, a basket at each end and bare lightbulbs strung along the sides for illumination, we were reluctant not one whit to brag about our “regulation length” basketball court. Nobody said a word, of course,  about the less than regulation width or the generally primitive aspects of our unheated gymnasium which was not above admitting plenty of weather in through the cracks!

On the raw edge of Faith. Calvin B Hanson  (2001)

The Barnasium was demolished in 1970 and eventually Alloway Library and Reimer Student Centre were built in the same area.

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