News and activities at Norma Marion Alloway Library, Trinity Western University

Month: April 2020 (Page 1 of 3)

New Titles Tuesday, April 28

In the past week 53 e-titles were added to the Norma Marion Alloway Library’s collection; below is a sample.

Click on the link for more information.

Check out these new ebooks today!


Behind the screen: content moderation in the shadows of social media /Sarah T. Roberts.
This title provides an extensive ethnographic study of the commercial content moderation industry. Based on interviews with workers from Silicon Valley to the Philippines, at boutique firms and at major social media companies, the author contextualizes this hidden industry and examines the emotional toll it takes on its workers.

Contemporary perspectives on C.S. Lewis’ The Abolition of man: history, philosophy, education, and science /edited by Tim Mosteller and Gayne Anacker.
This title assesses and appraises Lewis’ seminal lectures, providing a thorough analysis of the themes and subjects that are raised within “The Abolition of Man”. Topics that are address include philosophy, natural law, education, literature, politics, theology, science, biotechnology and the connection between the Ransom Trilogy.

Critical dialogues in the medical humanities /edited by Emma Domínguez-Rué.
This volume illustrates ongoing discussions in and about the medical humanities with studies on different approaches to the relationship between medical science and practice and the humanities, including reflections based on fiction, art, history, socio-economic and political concerns, architecture and natural landscapes.

Decolonising higher education in the era of globalisation and internationalisation /editor, Kehdinga George Fomunyam.
This collection of essays brings to the on-going discourse on decolonisation fresh, rich, probing and multilayered perspectives that should accelerate the process of decolonisation, not only in higher education in Africa, but also in the global imaginary.

Digital storytelling in health and social policy: listening to marginalised voices /Nicole Matthews and Naomi Sunderland.
This title reframes multimedia life stories as a resource for education, public health, and policy, and challenges policymakers, professionals, and researchers to reimagine how they find out about and respond to people’s daily lives and experiences of health, disability, and well-being by developing theoretical, methodological, and practical resources for listening to digital stories through a series of carefully selected international case studies.

The powers of pure reason: Kant and the idea of cosmic philosophy /Alfredo Ferrarin.
This title explores the forgotten parts of Kant’s “First Critique” and dismantles the common vision of Kant as a philosopher writing separately on epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics and natural teleology, showing that the three Critiques are united by this underlying theme: the autonomy and teleology of reason, its power and ends. The result is a refreshing new view of Kant, and of reason itself.

Preparing students for community-engaged scholarship in higher education /edited by Aaron Samuel Zimmerman.
This title explores how faculty and academic leaders can create learning opportunities and intellectual cultures that support the development of community-engaged scholars. In addition, this title examines how university coursework can help undergraduate and graduate students to develop the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary for productive and responsible community-engaged scholarship.

Rethinking history, science, and religion: an exploration of conflict and the complexity principle /edited by Bernard Lightman.
This title evaluates the utility of the “complexity principle” in past, present, and future scholarship, and brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars at the forefront of their fields to consider whether new approaches to the study of science and culture, such as recent developments in research on science and the history of publishing, the global history of science, the geographical examination of space and place, and science and media.

The teaming church: ministry in the age of collaboration /Robert C. Crosby.
This title provides biblical motivations, vivid examples and practical approaches for creating a teaming culture in which biblical teams reflect the workings and nature of the Trinity and thus the image of God.

How to Succeed with TWU Library OneSearch

The library’s amazing OneSearch system – – might look like an academic Google, but it’s so much more. If you want to use it effectively, think beyond the limited Google functions you are used to (throw in keywords, collect your results) and recognize that OneSearch can do a whole lot better than that.

First, you can choose the type of material you are seeking:

Second, you can search specifically by keyword, title, or author:

Third, there are multiple ways to filter your results once you’ve searched, so that you can get the best resources that are closest to what you are seeking and also be able to cite them properly. Just click on a box. For example:

     A. Select type of resource or level of scholarship

Click on the box next to any item


B. Limit by subject

Subjects are tags that focus on what a book or article is actually about, regardless of what the keywords you find in a book or articles title.  With subjects, you can cut down the number of results while concentrating on resources that are actually on your topic. Just click on a box.


  C. You can create citations in most common formats:

1. Click on title: 

2.  Find the Cite link:

3. Choose your format:

4. Copy/Paste to a Word document


For more information: – A video and pictorial guide to OneSearch – Contact your friendly and extremely helpful librarians for OneSearch support.


You want scholarly literature? How do I recognize it? How can I find it?

A lot of students come into university life with an information search tool right on their phones: Google. Google is an answer machine, a lifeline, the place to go. Sure, we have Twitter and Instagram, but when we need solid information, Google is our library.

That said, students who have trusted Google to meet their knowledge needs often get a rude shock when they start university. Suddenly, mere websites have become unacceptable for research projects. Instead, professors want scholarly/academic literature, which seems hard to find with Google. Instead of our favorite search tool, we are told to use complex databases through the library home page, and these new search engines lack all the simplicity and ease of Google.

Let me point out a misunderstanding here: Google never was all that good a search tool. The resources you find there are very mixed, from the work of a professor to a site on the same topic from weird Uncle Joe who knows nothing but shares everything. Mere quality control can be a nightmare.

Then there is the Google search engine itself. Essentially, what you search for is what you get. If you used the wrong keywords, your results may well be mostly trash. There is no easy way to nuance results or filter down millions of citations to a hundred or so well-targeted and high-quality resources.

Here’s a general principle: The simpler the search engine, the more unlikely it is that you’ll get consistently good results. The better academic search engines allow you to nuance your results using filters that enable you to separate out the academic/scholarly ones from the lower level ones, so that you can focus more directly on those results that are actually going to help you.

What makes scholarly literature scholarly? How can we distinguish it from the kinds of things professors don’t want to see? First, scholarly literature is written by scholars. The single most important thing you can do is check out the author of a book or article. Does that author have a level of higher education (usually a doctorate) and the kind of experience that enables her/his work to past the test of being a valid member of the community of scholars in the discipline?

Second, most scholarly literature has passed peer review, a process by which other scholars check out and ask revisions for any manuscript submitted to a publisher before it can be published. Scholarly literature has to be properly vetted.

How can we find it? Use the library’s academic databases. They are not nearly as hard to learn as you might think, and there are lots of tutorials to guide you. As you search, filter your results to find academic work (usually through links to scholarly material on the left of your results). When in doubt, ask your professor or get in touch with a librarian. We can guide you.

Some links:
A guide to the library OneSearch system:
Library tutorials:

Expertise and authority – Why they matter in a fake news world

We live in an often bewildering information environment, where we struggle with what to trust and what to reject. Not only are there multiple voices, but a percentage of those voices seem actively determined to deceive us. Conspiracies abound, and there seem to be a lot of dumb notions out there about any topic under the sun.

It would be brilliant to have some simple tool, a garbage meter, that could filter out the evil and the stupid from genuinely valuable information. No such tool exists, though we do have something close to it: Expertise. We’ve all seen expertise. When you go to a doctor or a dentist or a car mechanic or your favorite professor, you are experiencing expertise.

So, what is it? Merely to say that experts know more than the rest of us is to miss the point. Certainly, expertise demands knowledge, but just as importantly, it demands a profound skill based on experience. The Hebrew language has a word for it: בִּינָה (Chokhmah), which has the basic meaning, “To have a skill.” The word was used for artisans, like metal workers, who not only knew their materials, but could shape those materials into works of beauty. Expertise is the ability to transform knowledge into art, into profoundly wise application.

Experts are everywhere. We need them and we tend to trust them. Thus, information provided to us by experts has a much greater potential to be trustworthy than information provided by non-experts. The power of expertise, however, is not absolute. Experts can be biased or deceptive. Non-experts sometimes come up with better answers than experts.

That is why we need a second principle: Authority. Authority speaks of the degree to which we trust a piece of information, whether produced by an expert or not. Authority resides in us, the receivers of information. We are responsible to evaluate what we receive. The best tool for evaluation is probably the qualifications of the author (expertise), but we must also judge for bias and even for deception. If we do a good job of this, we come up with an accurate judgment of information’s authority.

We might not have a garbage meter available to us, but it is still possible to rely on expertise and to use solid judgment to measure authority.

For more reading:
William Badke, “Expertise and Authority in an Age of Crowdsourcing,” in Not Just Where to Click: Teaching Students How to Think about Information. Ed. Troy Swanson; Heather Jagman, 191-215. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015.

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