News and activities at Norma Marion Alloway Library, Trinity Western University

Month: April 2022 (Page 2 of 2)

New Titles Tuesday, April 12

Here is a selection of titles added to the collection in the past week

 A semiotic approach to the theology of inculturation /Cyril Orji ; foreword by Dennis M. Doyle. This book argues that though it is a difficult and delicate task, inculturation is still a requisite demand of a World Church and that without it the church is unrecognizable and unsustainable. The book also suggests that the past failures of inculturation experiments in Africa can be overcome only by critically applying the science of semiotics, which can serve as an antidote to the nature of human knowing and reductionism that characterized earlier attempts to make Christianity African to the African. Drawing from the semiotic works of C. S. Peirce, Clifford Geertz, and Bernard Lonergan, the book shows why semiotics is best suited to an African theology of inculturation and offers ten pinpointed precepts, identified as’Habits,’which underline the attentiveness, reasonableness, and responsibility required in a semiotic approach to a theology of inculturation.

 C.S. Lewis: anti-Darwinist : a careful examination of the development of his views on Darwinism /Jerry Bergman ; foreword by Ellen Myers ; preface by Karl Priest. It is commonly believed that C.S. Lewis was a theistic evolutionist, a conclusion based on a few statements that he made in The Problem of Pain and Mere Christianity. A careful study of his writings reveals, not only that for most of his life he was not a theistic evolutionist, but strongly opposed Darwinism, especially towards the end of his life.

 Christianity and the culture machine: media and theology in the age of late secularism /Vincent F. Rocchio. In this intensive examination of Christianity’s role in the cultural marketplace, the author argues that Christianity’s inability to effectively contest the ideology of secular humanism is not a theological shortcoming, but rather a communications problem: the institutional church is too wedded to an outmoded aesthetic of Christianity to communicate effectively.

 Corinthian democracy: democratic discourse in 1 Corinthians /Anna C. Miller. In this innovative study, Miller challenges prevailing New testament scholarship that has largely dismissed the democratic civic assembly–the ekklēsia–as an institution that retained real authority in the first century CE. She demonstrates that Paul’s persuasive rhetoric is itself shaped and constrained by the democratic discourse he shares with his Corinthian audience. Miller argues that these first-century Corinthians understood their community as an authoritative democratic assembly in which leadership and citizenship cohered with the public speech and discernment open to each. Ultimately, Miller’s study offers new insights into the tensions that inform Paul’s letter.

 Digital humanities and Christianity: an introduction /edited by Tim Hutchings and Claire Clivaz. This volume provides the first comprehensive introduction to the intersections between Christianity and the digital humanities This volume introduces key debates, shares exciting initiatives, and aims to encourage new innovations in analysis and communication. It is ideally suited as a starting point for students and researchers interested in this vast and complex field.

 Digital humanities and research methods in religious studies: an introduction /edited by Christopher D. Cantwell and Kristian Petersen. This volume provides practical, but provocative, case studies of exemplary projects that apply digital technology or methods to the study of religion. An introduction and 16 essays are organized by the kinds of sources digital humanities scholars use – texts, images, and places – with a final section on the professional and pedagogical issues digital scholarship raises for the study of religion.

 Endangered Gospel: how fixing the world is killing the Church /John C. Nugent. Endangered Gospel stresses the core gospel truth that, rather than ushering in a new world through social activism, God’s people already are the new world in Christ. Endangered Gospel explores how we might enthusiastically embrace the social dimensions of the gospel without divorcing them from the church or forcing them on the world.

 Four kingdom motifs before and beyond the book of Daniel /edited by Andrew Perrin, Loren T. Stuckenbruck ; with the assistance of Shelby Bennett, Matthew Hama. TWU AUTHORS. Four Kingdom Motifs Before and Beyond the Book of Daniel includes thirteen essays that explore the reach and redeployment of the motif in classical and ancient Near Eastern writings, Jewish and Christian scriptures, texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, depictions in European architecture and cartography, as well as patristic, rabbinic, Islamic, and African writings from antiquity through the Mediaeval eras.

 Gift and promise: an Evangelical theology of the Lord’s Supper /Peter Schmiechen. An evangelical Lord’s Supper – this is a high-risk operation, given the reliance by many on transactional sacrifice and the tendency to reduce the Supper to a sacrament of penance for individuals.  Here is a clear and consistent evangelical perspective, based on the theology and biblical considerations that have formed our faith and practice.

 God after Christendom? /Bryan Haymes and Kyle Gingerich Hiebert.  By revisiting the story of speech about God in scripture and in the living tradition of the church, the authors argue that we are thereby enabled to confront the contemporary temptations that too often unwittingly remake God in our own image. In this way the authors provocatively suggest that at least part of what Christian discipleship involves today is bound up with the task of unlearning some of the ways of speaking of God that have become so familiar to us. By learning to reread the texts of the Christian tradition, particularly in its most vital and creative moments, the authors suggest that we might become better equipped to faithfully read the signs of our own times.

 God’s focus on the fatherless: a lens to inform spiritual impact in the local church /Dwight David Croy. This study concentrates on God’s focus on and vision for the fatherless as an informal lens from which local churches may measure and implement ministry impact and outreach principles.

 Holiness and the Missio Dei /Andy Johnson. Johnson takes the reader on a biblical journey that explores the question of what holiness or sanctification has to do with God’s mission in the world. Using a missional lens to guide the reader into a theological engagement with Scripture, Johnson argues that God’s primary means of making us holy is through our participation in his saving, reconciling mission to bring creation to its intended destiny. This book is written primarily for church leaders, for students, and for academics who are interested in missional readings of Scripture

 How not to kill a Muslim: a manifesto of hope for Christianity and Islam in North America /Joshua Graves. Graves provides a practical subversive theological framework for a strategic posture of peaceful engagement between Christians and Muslims. Based upon both academic and personal experience (Josh grew up in Metro Detroit), this book will provide progressive Christians with a clear understanding of Jesus’radical message of inclusivity and love.

Invest your humanity: celebrating Marvin Meyer /edited by Julye Bidmead and Gail J. Stearns. This volume is dedicated to Marvin C. Meyer, a person of passionate spirit and personality, known to many as the preeminent scholar who brought to life the Gnostic Gospels. Friends, students, and scholars here pay tribute to Meyer with reflections, new pedagogies, and explorations in biblical texts, ancient magic, and archaeological discoveries.

 Jesus v. abortion: they know not what they do /Charles K. Bellinger. Jesus v. Abortion critiques the pro-choice and muddled middle positions, employing several unusual angles.  Many important thinkers are brought into this conversation.

 Laying down arms to heal the creation-evolution divide /Gary N. Fugle. Laying Down Arms to Heal the Creation-Evolution Divide presents a comprehensive, uplifting alternative that brings together an orthodox, biblical view of a sovereign Creator-God and the meaningful discoveries of modern evolutionary biology. Fugle offers unique insights into this debate from his dual perspective as both an award-winning biology professor and a committed leader in conservative evangelical churches. He explains conservative readings of early Genesis that respect both the inerrant words of Scripture and the evolutionary revelations in God’s natural creation. This book is for individuals who sense that biblical Christian faith and evolution are compatible without compromising core convictions.

 Love, loss, and abjection: the journey of new birth in the Gospel of John /Melanie Baffes. This study explores the premise that the experience of being ‘born from above’ in John’s Gospel can be seen as mirroring the development of human subjectivity, particularly as understood through the psychoanalytic work of Julia Kristeva.  Examining the story of Mary of Bethany (as narrated in John 11-12) through this lens, this analysis seeks to better understand the concept of new birth and how it relates to being fully human.

 Old Testament theology and the rest of God /Nicholas Haydock. Haydock explores the ways in which God’s rest interacts with the direction of the narrative, noting also its role in shaping both Israel’s worship and their messianic expectation. In this fascinating study, Haydock considers the importance and place of rest in the ancient Mesopotamian worldview.

 One thing I know: how the blind man of John 9 leads an audience toward belief /Britt Leslie. This work employs multiple methodologies to analyze the story of the man born blind (John 9) in order to discern how this episode serves the greater purpose of the Gospel. The analysis of linguistic patterns; narrative structure; cultural anthropology; and an analysis of irony, humor, and wit are each employed. These are all synthesized in the final chapter, which makes an attempt to discern how an ancient performance of John 9 might look, and how such a performance might sway an ancient audience toward trust in Jesus as Messiah.

 Parabolic figures or narrative fictions?: seminal essays on the stories of Jesus /Charles W. Hedrick. Hedrick contends that parables do not teach moral and religious lessons; they are not, in whole or part, theological figures for the church. Rather, parables are realistic narrative fictions that like all effective fiction literature are designed to draw readers into story worlds where they make discoveries about themselves by finding their ideas challenged and subverted–or affirmed. The parables have endings but not final resolutions, because the endings raise new complications for careful readers, which require further resolution.

 Power and the powers: the use and abuse of power in its missional context /Andrew Hardy, Richard Whitehouse, and Dan Yarnell. This book sets out to address the issue of the use and misuse of power from biblical, theological, and practical perspectives. The authors bring their theological, pastoral, missionary, and personal experience to their task in order to inform, challenge, and invite readers into a responsible use of the powers that God has put into the hands of each one of us to achieve his purposes in the world.

 Presence in the modern world /Jacques Ellul ; a new translation by Lisa Richmond ; foreword by Ted Lewis ; introduction to Jacques Ellul’s life and thought by David W. Gill. Presence in the Modern World is Ellul’s most foundational book, combining his social analysis with his theological orientation. Ellul responds by describing how a Christian’s unique presence in the world can make a difference.

 Reason and mystery in the Pentateuch /Aaron Streiter. Reason and Mystery in the Pentateuch is grounded in the faith that: God revealed to Moses two works, known together as the Torah. The Torah has never been corrupted; the text read today is identical to the text God revealed to Moses.

 Redeeming flesh: the way of the cross with zombie Jesus /Matthew John Paul Tan. This book–part social analysis, part theological critique, and part devotional–considers how the zombie can be a way to critically situate our culture, awash with consumer products. Tan considers how zombies are the endpoint of social theory’s exploration of consumer culture and its postsecular turn towards an earthly immortality, enacted on the flesh of consumers. The book also shows how zombies aid our appreciation of Christ’s saving work. Through the lens of theology and the prayer of the Stations of the Cross, Tan incorporates social theory’s insights on the zombie concerning postmodern culture’s yearning for things beyond the flesh and also reveals some of social theory’s blind spots. Turning to the Eucharist flesh of Christ, Tan challenges the zombie’s secularized narrative of salvation of the flesh, one where flesh is saved by being consumed and made to die.

 Taking hold of the real: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the profound worldliness of Christianity /Barry Harvey.  Harvey engages in constructive conversation with Bonhoeffer, contending that the ‘shallow and banal this-worldliness’ of modern society is ordered to a significant degree around the social technologies of religion, culture, and race. Christians are called to participate in the profound this-worldliness that breaks into the world in the apocalyptic action of Jesus Christ, a form of life that requires discipline and an understanding of death and resurrection. Unable to find a faithful form of this-worldliness in wartime Germany, Bonhoeffer joined the conspiracy against Hitler, a decision aptly contrasted with a small French church that, prepared by its life together over many generations, saved thousands of Jewish lives.

 Tapestry of grace: untangling the cultural complexities in Asian American life and ministry /Benjamin C. Shin, Sheryl Takagi Silzer ; foreword by John C. Kim. In Tapestry of Grace, Shin and Takagi Silzer apply their years of study and teaching to explain how the cultural complexities that occur between the different generations of the Asian American church can be untangled. Taking lessons from their own spiritual journeys, they show how each generation can experience the amazing grace of the Gospel.

 The Didache: a commentary /Shawn J. Wilhite ; foreword by Clayton N. Jefford. Wilhite’s commentary on the Didache includes a brief introduction to the Didache, the use of Scripture by the Didachist, and the theology of the Didache. The commentary proceeds section by section with a close ear to the text of the Didache, relevant early Christian literature, and current scholarship.

 The Gospel according to Paul: a reappraisal /Graham H. Twelftree. Paul’s gospel is seen as his message, perhaps an empowered message; he saw it differently. In the gospel’s coming or establishment, it is clear that, at heart, the gospel is God’s salvation–the presence of God himself–in Christ, experienced in the symbiotic relationship between Paul’s message about God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and the activity of God in the miraculous. Not surprisingly, then, Paul rarely talks of preaching the gospel. He sees himself as gospelling.

 The humanity of Christ: the significance of the anhypostasis and enhypostasis in Karl Barth’s Christology /James P. Haley. This work is a critical analysis of Karl Barth’s unique adoption of the concepts anhypostasis and enhypostasis to explain Christ’s human nature in union with the Logos, which becomes the ontological foundation that Barth uses to explain Jesus Christ as very God and very man. Barth’s unique coupling together of anhypostasis and enhypostasis provides the ontological grounding, flexibility, and precision that so uniquely characterizes his Christology.

 The Jesus dialogues: Jesus speaks with religious founders and leaders /Brennan R. Hill. In each chapter, Jesus sits down with both women and men religious founders and leaders and talks with them on an equal basis about religious perspectives, past and present. The book is a thorough overview of Christianity, compared and contrasted with eight other religions as well as selected indigenous religions. A final chapter deals with the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of interfaith dialogue, which is so needed in today’s diverse and global society.  Listening in on these conversations reveals significant differences among religions. These dialogues help one realize that Gandhi was right when he said that we must listen to all religions in order to obtain just a glimpse of the divine.

 The kinship of Jesus: Christology and discipleship in the gospel of Mark /Kathleen Elizabeth Mills ; foreword by Warren Carter. This study provides a commentary on the Gospel of Mark that underlines kinship as the nexus between Christology (Jesus and his kinship with God) and discipleship (Jesus and his kinship with disciples). In a world that finds people increasingly separated from one another, this study demonstrates Jesus’s formation of his own family and its continued impact on Christian identity and community.

 The parables of Jesus and the problems of the world: how ancient narratives comprehend modern malaise /Richard Q. Ford. Jesus provides a subtle but rich array of unexpected possibilities hidden within the hierarchies of power so commonplace in his world. By doing so he profoundly addresses the perils inherent in the prerogatives of many of us living in today’s world. In these ancient interpersonal tragedies, readers can discover modern global analogues–where the powerful still control the powerless and where others of us, immersed as we are in privilege, are still willing to side with control.

 The protevangelium of James /Lily C. Vuong. The Protevangelium of James tells stories about the life of the Virgin Mary that are absent from the New Testament Gospels: her miraculous birth to Anna and Joachim, her upbringing in the temple, and her marriage at the age of twelve to the aged widower Joseph. The text also adds significant details to the well-known stories of Jesus’ conception, birth, and escape from the slaughter of innocents perpetrated by Herod the Great. This study edition presents a fresh, new translation of the text with cross-references, notes, and commentary. The extensive introduction makes accessible the most recent scholarship in studies on Mary in Christian apocrypha, offers new insights into the text’s provenance and relationship to Judaism, and discusses the text’s contributions to art and literature.

 The Trinity hurdle: engaging Christadelphians, Arians, and Unitarians with the gospel of the Triune God. /R. Sutcliffe. The Trinity Hurdle is a scriptural and historical defense of the doctrine of the Triune God and substitutionary atonement for Christadelphians, other non-Trinitarians, and those engaging with them.

 Two puzzling baptisms: First Corinthians 10:1-5 and 15:29, studies in their Judaic background /Roger David Aus. How could the Apostle Paul maintain in his first letter to the Christians in Corinth that all their ancestors were baptized into Moses at the Red Sea  event, and how could he tolerate some of them having themselves baptized again on behalf of the dead)? Answers to these puzzling questions can be found in early Jewish sources now located both in Greek and Hebrew, all here translated.

 We have found the Messiah: how the disciples help us answer the Davidic Messianic question /Michael Vicko Zolondek. In this book, Zolondek challenges a generation of scholarship by arguing that the manner in which it has gone about answering the Davidic messianic question is significantly problematic when considered in the light of Jesus’ cultural context and the messianism of his day. In this book, readers will not only be exposed to more than forty years of research on the Davidic messianic question, but they will come away with a unique understanding of what it means to be a Davidic Messiah and what it would have looked like for Jesus to have taken up that role.

 Where the river bends: considering forgiveness in the lives of prisoners /Michael T. McRay ; foreword by Desmond M. Tutu. McRay’s important new book brings the perspectives and stories of fourteen Tennessee prisoners into public awareness. Weaving these narratives into a survey of forgiveness literature, McRay offers a map of the forgiveness topography. At once storytelling, academic, activism, and cartography, McRay’s book is as necessary as it is accessible.

 Word and power: is the theology of John Wimber compatible with Presbyterian theology and practice? /Gareth William David Stewart. This work aims at considering the contribution of John Wimber, the late leader of the Vineyard Churches, to contemporary theological reflection within the Reformed tradition. This book asks whether Wimber may be a possible alternative source for the contemporary Reformed Churches as they approach ministry and mission in the twenty-first century. Written from a confessional Presbyterian context in Northern Ireland, Word and Power places Wimber in his theological context and asks whether Wimber’s view of power evangelism, discipleship formation, and ministry training might be a model that Reformed Churches–and Presbyterians in particular–could adopt for their ecclesiology today.


On Thursday, April 14, the Alloway Chime at Trinity Western University will ring out a concert of tunes to mark Holy Week. The concert will feature three new works for the chime arranged and composed by Alloway Chime Bursary student James Tseung as well as recent works by other TWU students and familiar hymn tunes.

The concert will debut on April 14, 2022 at 2PM and repeat at 8PM. It can also be heard at noon on Good Friday and through the first week of Easter until April 23

The concert program will include:

Amazing Grace (New Britain.) Traditional.  19th Century.

Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, the little children sang (Ellacombe.) Composer unknown. Ca 18th C. Arranged and performed by Chloe Thiessen TWU.

Abide with me (Eventide). William Henry Monk.  (1823-1889)

Modal change in A.  Sequenced/composed and performed by TWU student James Tseung March 2022

This fluid piece moves through a four-note sequence to evoke a broad, spacious, and ultimately consonant sound. Its ambiguous tonality—neither strongly major nor minor—invites the listener to rest in a moment of subtle harmony.

 A mighty fortress is our God.  Martin Luther.  1483-1546

The Holy City.  Michael Maybrick alias Stephen Adams.  (1841 – 1913)

Trumpet Voluntary.  J. Stanley.  (1712-1786)

A Murmuration (For Erica Grimm).  Composed and performed by Chloe Thiessen TWU

Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves, “Va, pensiero, sull’ali dorate” from Nabucco.  Giuseppe Verdi.  1813-1901

Afterward.  Composed and performed by James Tseung, 2022

“Afterward is a wish for peace, a celebration of hope and freedom, but also a remembrance of those who still suffer. It starts with a hopeful, arpeggio-like motif, suggesting new life emerging after winter (or a pandemic.) Elsewhere, suffering, like a forest on fire, continues. The middle section of the piece portrays relief, like heavy rains to extinguish the fire.  The piece ends on an unresolved chord reminding us that there is still uncertainty and ambiguity in the world.”

When I survey the wondrous cross (Rockingham).   Edward Miller, 1735-1807.  Arranged and performed by James Tseung 2022.

One of the finest long-meter tunes in the history of church music and much loved by those who sing in harmony. James’ arrangement and stately performance gradually enfolds the listener in resonant overtones.

New Titles Tuesday, April 5

Here is a selection of titles added to the collection in the past week.

 Afflicting the comfortable, comforting the afflicted: a guide to law and gospel preaching /Glenn L. Monson ; foreword by Craig Alan Satterlee. A classic theology and a contemporary school of preaching come together in this new work.  Monson has taken the substantial concerns of Law and Gospel theologians and combined them with the insights of the New Homiletic School to come up with a guide to sermon development that helps any preacher deliver Law and Gospel sermons in a contemporary way. The author leads the reader through a step-by-step process in thinking about Law and Gospel preaching from exegesis through sermon design to manuscript writing. Multiple examples from assigned lectionary texts are included, and several sermons are analyzed in detail. This book will be an invaluable friend of any lectionary preacher for whom Sunday is always coming and who longs to preach classic Law and Gospel sermons in a new and fresh way.

 Alexander or Jesus?: the origin of the title Son of God /W.E.L. Broad ; foreword by William R. Telford. This book explores the reasons why such a comparatively obscure person should be called’Son of God’soon after his death. William Broad sets stories of Jesus against the backdrop of the religions of the time and shows how St. Paul in Greece chose the mythical title’son of a god’for Jesus as being one that would attract the attention of his Gentile hearers and reveal his great significance. However, Broad notes that Jesus was not the first historical person to have been called a son of god. Alexander the Great had been so titled 350 years before. Alexander or Jesus? explores stories of this remarkable king and shows that these tales significantly affected the way the Gospels declared the Divine Sonship of Jesus. It further reveals that Jesus’birth and his epiphany are not the unique events that many believe.

 Biblical narrative learning: teaching adequate faith in the Gospel of John /Tung Chiew Ha. Biblical narrative learning is a non-critical educational approach for Christian communities with diverse learning backgrounds, involving three sets of movement: inquire and invent, interpret and imagine-inspire, and imitate and impart. It is grounded in humankind’s universal capacity to teach and learn through stories and built on practices in narrative learning, along with biblical narratives. The Gospel of John provides a model for this interpretive process that continues the teaching of living in a loving relationship with God and one another.

 Christian Zionism: navigating the Jewish-Christian border /Faydra L. Shapiro ; foreword by Brad H. Young. Christian Zionism has received no small amount of criticism from observers who take issue with the movement’s pro-Israel politics or its theology. What if we listened seriously to what Christian Zionists and Jewish partners said about Jews, Judaism, and Israel?

 Church planting in Europe: connecting to society, learning from experience /edited by Evert Van de Poll, Joanne Appleton. Church Planting in Europe helps to answer the question of how churches can become more relevant to the societies in which they exist. From biblical and missiological reflections to case studies and practical examples, the book gives insights into many of the key issues that church planters and those concerned with ‘missionary’ renewal of existing churches are grappling with. Special attention is paid to the sociocultural and religious characteristics of Europe, which is marked by secularization, new forms of spirituality, and a unique Christian heritage. The contributors represent a wide variety of backgrounds and contexts across Europe and this is reflected in the breadth of topics covered.

 Did Jesus speak Greek?: the emerging evidence of Greek dominance in first-century Palestine  /by G. Scott Gleaves ; foreword by Rodney Eugene Cloud. Traditionally, the authenticity of Jesus’s teaching has been linked to the recovery of the original Aramaic that presumably underlies the Gospels. The Aramaic Hypothesis infers that the Gospels represent theological expansions, religious propaganda, or blatant distortions of Jesus’s teachings. Consequently, uncovering the original Aramaic of Jesus’s teachings will separate the historical Jesus from the mythical personality. G. Scott Gleaves, in Did Jesus Speak Greek?, contends that the Aramaic Hypothesis is inadequate as an exclusive criterion of historical Jesus studies and does not aptly take into consideration the multilingual culture of first-century Palestine. Evidence from archaeological, literary, and biblical data demonstrates Greek linguistic dominance in Roman Palestine during the first century CE. Such preponderance of evidence leads not only to the conclusion that Jesus and his disciples spoke Greek but also to the recognition that the Greek New Testament generally and the Gospel of Matthew in particular were original compositions and not translations of underlying Aramaic sources.

 Evangelism and social concern in the theology of Carl F.H. Henry /Jerry M. Ireland. Henry’s regenerational model of evangelism and social concern stands on the shoulders of Augustine and many others, and offers what may be the best way forward. This book explores Henry’s thoughts on this subject and sets him in dialogue with numerous others who have written on these topics. Thus it will prove a valuable resource for all interested in this topic.

 Expressing theology: a guide to writing theology that readers want to read /Jonathan C. Roach, Gricel Dominguez. Expressing Theology challenges writers of theology to craft engaging, compelling, and beautiful prose that grabs readers’ attention and makes reading a pleasure. Expressing Theology provides writers of theology–academics, aspiring, and published–with perspectives and writing techniques to write theology that readers want to read.

 From suffering to solidarity: the historical seeds of Mennonite interreligious, interethnic, and international peacebuilding /edited by Andrew P. Klager, foreword by Marc Gopin. TWU Author.  From Suffering to Solidarity explores the historical seeds of Mennonite peacebuilding approaches and their application in violent conflicts around the world. The authors in this book first draw out the experiences of Anabaptists and Mennonites from the sixteenth-century origins through to the present that have shaped their approaches to conflict transformation and inspired new generations of Mennonites to engage in relief, development, and peacebuilding to alleviate the suffering of others whose experiences today reflect those of their ancestors.

 In defense of the eschaton: essays in Reformed apologetics /William D. Dennison ; edited by James Douglas Baird ; foreword by Lane G. Tipton ; preface by Mark A. Garcia. An anthology of Dennison’s essays on the Reformed apologetics of Cornelius Van Til. Written over the course of Dennison’s many years of study, the chapters in this volume investigate Van Til’s theory of knowledge, revelation, common grace, antithesis, Christian education, and the history of ideas, as well as examine key Scriptures to identify the redemptive-historical structure of a biblical apologetic method. In the end, Dennison finds that Reformed apologetics must take eschatology seriously.

 Indigenous peoples in Canada /Darion Boyington, John Roberts. This is a concise overview of Indigenous Peoples from pre-contact to the 21st century. The book is intended for any overview course in Native Studies. It examines key topics such as treaty processes, land claims, and contemporary socio-economic issues and features an emphasis on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report and its calls to action.

 Is the atheist my neighbor?: rethinking Christian attitudes toward atheism /Randal Rauser. For the last three centuries Christians have widely assumed that atheism is always a result of a rebellious, sinful rejection of God. According to this view, at some level atheists really do know there is a God, but they sinfully suppress this knowledge because they want to live independently of God. But what if some folks are atheists not because they’re sinful and foolish but because they’ve thought hard, they’ve looked carefully, and they have simply not found God?

 Jesus and jihad: reclaiming the prophetic heart of Christianity and Islam /Robert F. Shedinger. Jesus and Jihad argues that in early Muslim sources jihad stood for the struggle to transform a violent and unjust pre-Islamic world.

 Listening to the neighbor: from a missional perspective of the other /Byungohk Lee. Lee contends the church has to embrace the dialogical dimension in missional terms because the triune God is the subject of mission. In contrast, for many churches in Asia, including Korea, mission has generally tended to be practiced in a monological, rather than dialogical, manner. The neighbor has not been regarded as a conversational partner of the church, but only as the object for its mission. In Listening to the Neighbor, Lee shows that some local churches have participated in God’s mission by listening to their neighbors. He argues that listening is not a technique, but a multifaceted learning process in missional terms. .

 Orange proverbs and purple parables: the enterprise of reading the holy scriptures as scripture /W.R. Brookman. Orange Proverbs & Purple Parables is a book about reading the Bible. This book explores wide-ranging approaches and considerations germane to the enterprise of reading. It weaves through a labyrinth of characters and disciplines as it explores this enterprise of reading the Holy Scriptures. The likes of Chomsky, Augustine, neuroscience, Barth, linguistics, theological interpretation, Origen, metaphor theory, devotional reading, and Jerome, along with many more people and fields of inquiry, are all garnered to encourage the reader in an exploration of the enterprise of reading the Holy Scriptures.

 Salvation for the sinned-against: Han and Schillebeeckx in intercultural dialogue /Kevin P. Considine ; foreword by Robert J. Schreiter. Salvation for the Sinned-Against attempts to suggest a renewed understanding of God’s salvation for the victims of sin within the intercultural and globalizing context of the twenty-first century. It offers a thorough treatment of Schillebeeckx, intercultural hermeneutics, and the Korean concept of han, and brings them into dialogue with the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et spes. This book is the first in-depth study of han from a Roman Catholic perspective and the first to attempt to integrate han into Roman Catholic theology in order to begin to envision salvation for the sinned-against creature.

 Shadow of Oz: theistic evolution and the absent God /Wayne D. Rossiter. In the century and a half since Darwin’s Origin of Species, there has been an ongoing–and often vociferously argued–conversation about our species’ place in creation and its relationship to a Creator. A growing number of academic professionals see no conflict between Darwin’s view of life and the Christian faith. Dubbed theistic evolution, this brand of Christianity holds that God has used processes like Darwinian evolution to achieve his creation. But is that true? Can Darwin’s mechanism of natural selection acting on chance mutations be reconciled with God’s intentionality?

 Shaken faith: what you don’t know (and need to know) about faith crises and how they affect spiritual growth /Sanejo I. Leonard ; foreword by Gary Black Jr. This book takes an honest and in-depth look at faith crises experiences from interviews with sixty people, and five biblical narratives, addressing head-on the issues of doubt and times of questioning one’s faith. Shaken Faith outlines a biblical perspective and a fresh way of viewing doubt, the questions Christians experience in their faith, and faith crisis moments. In order for faith to be real, it must be challenged and shaken, so that the depth of the faith can be rooted in an unshakable God.

 Soul mentoring: discover the ancient art of caring for others /David Robinson. Soul Mentoring draws upon the wisdom of Gregory the Great (540-604) from his Pastoral Care, one of the most widely read books on mentoring from the ancient world. Gregory has ancient wisdom applicable to mentoring in our time, both for mentors and mentees, friends and family, coaches and teachers, clergy and spiritual directors, among other people looking for guidance in the ancient art of caring for souls.

 That he might be revealed: water imagery and the identity of Jesus in the gospel of John /Rhonda G. Crutcher. Water is a core symbol in the Gospel of John and is particularly prevalent in passages that involve the revelation of Jesus’s identity. Using Richard Bauckham’s category of a Christology of Divine Identity, That He Might Be Revealed explores the way the Fourth Evangelist plays on the memory of the major water events of Israel’s history and mythology in order to incorporate Jesus into the divine identity.

 The Brancacci Chapel, Florence /Andrew Ladis.  Book features the fresco paintings on the walls of the Brancacci Chapel in Florence Italy. Painted by Masaccio in the early Renaissance period. Over 60 color illustrations of the fresco paintings and details of the works. Includes notes and bibliography.

 The Lord’s prayer: confessing the new covenant /J. Warren Smith. The Lord’s Prayer: Confessing the New Covenant is not a Bible study in the traditional sense. It challenges us to think about the Lord’s Prayer anew by understanding it as a confession of the New Covenant that Christ makes with us when we are made children of God in baptism. In hearing these familiar words afresh we learn to remember our baptismal covenant so that we might live more fully into that new relationship with God and with one another.

  The only sacrament left to us: the threefold Word of God in the theology and ecclesiology of Karl Barth /Thomas Christian Currie. The Only Sacrament Left to Us recovers Barth’s doctrine of the threefold Word of God and shows that it is at the heart of Barth’s ecclesiological commitments, and that Barth offers a distinct and robust doctrine of the church worthy to be carried forward into the twenty-first-century debates about the church’s place in God’s economy. The book explores the central role of the threefold Word of God in Barth’s theology of the church, explains its place in Barth’s later doctrine of reconciliation, and seeks to engage the field of Barth studies with contemporary ecclesiological questions.

 The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church /edited by Andrew Louth. Contains over 6,500 cross-referenced A-Z entries, and offers unrivalled coverage of all aspects of this vast and often complex subject. In this new edition, great efforts have been made to increase and strengthen coverage of on Christianity and the history of churches in areas beyond Western Europe. In particular, there have been extensive additions with regards to the Christian Church in Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America, and Australasia. Significant updates have also been included on topics such as liturgy, Canon Law, recent international developments, non-Anglican missionary activity, and the increasingly important area of moral and pastoral theology, among many others.

 The trinitarian dance: how the Triune God develops transformational leaders /Sharon Tam ; foreword by Leighton Ford. The Trinitarian Dance presents a model of leadership development based on the Holy Trinity. Part one analyzes the present state of the cultural and ecclesiastical situation in Canada, identifying specific trends and aspects relating to the need for development of effective leadership in the church. In Part two,  a theology of trinitarian leadership is developed based on the dynamic of perichoresis, with the motif of a dance used to present a paradigm of transformational leadership. Part three offers church-based strategies for leadership development, concluding with a creative application of the doxological formula that captures the thrust of the entire book and leads it to a finale that includes a benediction of hope for the church through this leadership model.

 Why, God?: suffering through cancer into faith /Margaret Carlisle Cupit, with her grandfahter, Edward Hugh Harrison. As a  nineteen-year-old chemistry major at Cupit is selected to spend the summer after her freshman year doing research at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Instead, she finds herself a patient there, fighting a life-threatening form of pediatric cancer and suffering through a year of aggressive chemotherapy and surgery. Refusing to believe what many tell her–that the cancer was all part of’God’s plan’–she finds solace in journaling and begins a discussion with her grandfather, a university professor specializing in philosophy of religion. Through her experiences and writing about them, Cupit discovers that she may be a person of faith after all–just not in the way she expected. Her grandfather, Harrison has selected and arranged the journal entries and their faith conversation and has commented on them in order to bring out the spiritual dimensions of her experience. The coauthors hope the book will help other sufferers recognize the presence of a loving God in the midst of pain, uncertainty and death.

 Women and worship at Corinth: Paul’s rhetorical arguments in 1 Corinthians /Lucy Peppiatt ; foreword by Douglas Campbell. Peppiatt offers a reading of 1 Corinthians 11-14 in which she proposes that Paul is in conversation with the Corinthian male leadership regarding their domineering, superior, and selfish practices, including coercing the women to wear head coverings, lording it over the ”have-nots” at the Lord’s Supper, speaking in tongues all at once, and ordering married women to keep quiet in church. Through careful exegesis and theological comment this reading not only brings internal coherence to the text, but paints a picture of the apostle gripped by a vision for a new humanity ”in the Lord, ” resulting in his refusal to compromise with the traditional views of his own society. Instead, as those who should identify with the crucified Christ, he exhorts the Corinthians to make ”love” their aim, and thus to restore dignity and honor to women, the outsider, and the poor.

 Women in ministry: questions and answers in the exploration of a calling /Shannon Nicole Smythe ; foreword by Robert W. Wall. In many Christian congregations and college classrooms, debates over the ordination and ministry of women create hurtful and debilitating divisions among believers. This new book by Shannon Smythe leans into those inhospitable places by inviting readers into a process of discernment that intends to lead them, and women especially, into a fresh awareness of their sacred calling to a ministry of the gospel. Smythe presents a carefully curated collection of thoughtful answers to common questions asked by those investigating this topic, inviting them to share in the communal practice of studying scripture together in dialogue with the church’s theological traditions and the testimonies of faithful women.

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