Two nice picture books were added to Curriculum Collection in the past week:

 Africville /Shauntay Grant ; pictures by Eva Campbell. When a young girl visits the site of Africville, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the stories she’s heard from her family come to mind. She imagines what the community was once like–the brightly painted houses nestled into the hillside, the field where boys played football, the pond where all the kids went rafting, the bountiful fishing, the huge bonfires.

 The two sisters /E. Pauline Johnson ; illustrations by Sandra Butt. From the much-loved twentieth-century Canadian classic Legends of Vancouver, ‘The Two Sisters’ was first told to celebrated poet and performer Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) by Joe Capilano, chief of the Squamish Nation. The universal themes of creation, courage, peace, and reconciliation run through this heart-warming tale from a time long before Vancouver existed. Guided by the spellbinding words of Pauline Johnson, illustrator Sandra Butt paints a remarkable portrait of two little sisters who grow up to be courageous young women who help to bring about peace and brotherhood..