Here is a selection of titles recently added to the collection
A high view of Scripture?: the authority of the Bible and the formation of the New Testament canon /Craig D. Allert. TWU AUTHOR Allert avers that our view of the Bible has not been sufficiently informed by how the New Testament canon was formed in the early centuries of the church. While maintaining that Scripture is authoritative and inspired, he also believes that the tension between Scripture’s nature as both a divine document and a human document has often been skewed too far toward the divine. Seeking to remedy this imbalance, Allert examines various theories of the historical development of the New Testament canon. In addition, he explores how the early church fathers viewed Scripture, canon, inspiration, and authority, coming to the conclusion that while promoting a high view of Scripture, the patristic view does not necessarily line up with the modern conservative evangelical view.
A long journey: residential schools in Labrador and Newfoundland /Andrea Procter. For years, the story of residential schools has been told by the authorities who ran them, and their voices have dominated the discussion. A Long Journey attempts to redress this imbalance by presenting the accounts of former students as well as examining extensive government, community, and school archives in order to tell the story of these institutions from a range of perspectives. The book examines the history of boarding schools in Labrador and St. Anthony and looks forward to a future in which reconciliation between all Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians becomes a reality.
A persevering witness: the poetry of Margaret Avison /Elizabeth Davey ; foreword by David A. Kent. Davey expertly situates Avison’s poetry in the rich milieu of her religious and communal life, and in so doing helps the reader understand the acute angularity and spiritual resonances of Avison’s verse. For many readers it will be most helpful that Davey shows how thoughtfully Avison reads and innovatively evokes biblical language and thought in her poetry. No dry literary criticism here, but life-enhancing interpretation and response to Avison’s often oblique call to Christian witness. Meticulously researched and beautifully written. Davey serves both Avison and the reader very well indeed.
All Hallows’ Eve /Charles Williams ; introduction by T.S. Eliot. All Hallows’ Eve is the story of a man and woman whose love was so great it could bridge the gap of death; of evil so terrible as to be unmentionable, of a vision so beautiful it must be true.
Armies of deliverance: a new history of the Civil War /Elizabeth R. Varon. Varon offers both a sweeping narrative of the Civil War and a bold new interpretation of Union and Confederate war aims.
Arthurian torso: containing the posthumous fragment of The figure of Arthur /by Charles Williams, and a commentary on the Arthurian poems of Charles Williams by C.S. Lewis.
Barefoot church: serving the least in a consumer culture /Brandon Hatmaker. Hatmaker reminds us that serving the least is not a trendy act of benevolence but a lifestyle of authentic community and spiritual transformation. In Barefoot Church, he provides practical ideas for creating service-based, missional communities for individual, collective, and social renewal.
C.S. Lewis: a biography /Roger Lancelyn Green & Walter Hooper. This account of Lewis’s life was written by two men who knew him well and remember him warmly. Photographs from personal albums and the Lewis archives.
C.S. Lewis’s Till we have faces /introduction and commentary by Nathan Comfort Starr. C. S. Lewis brilliantly reimagines the story of Cupid and Psyche. Told from the viewpoint of Psyche’s sister, Orual, Till We Have Faces is a brilliant examination of envy, betrayal, loss, blame, grief, guilt, and conversion. In this, his final—and most mature and masterful—novel, Lewis reminds us of our own fallibility and the role of a higher power in our lives.
Canada’s holy grail: Lord Stanley’s political motivation to donate the Stanley Cup /Jordan B. Goldstein. Canada’s Holy Grail documents Lord Stanley’s personal politics, his desire to affect Canadian nationality and unity, and the larger transformations in Anglo-liberal political thought at the time. The book posits that the Stanley Cup fit directly within Anglo-American traditions of using sport to graft ideas of the national, and the donation of the cup occurred at a moment in history when Canadian nationalists needed identifying symbols. Goldstein asserts that only with a transformation in Anglo-liberal thought could the state legitimately act through culture to affect national identity. Drawing on primary source documentation from Lord Stanley’s archives, as well as statements by politicians and hockey enthusiasts, Canada’s Holy Grail integrates political thought into the realm of sport history through the discussion of a championship trophy that still stands as one of the most well-known and recognized Canadian national symbols.
Celtic mythology: tales of gods, goddesses, and heroes /Philip Freeman. Freeman brings together the best stories of Celtic mythology. In these stories a mysterious and invisible realm of gods and spirits exists alongside and sometimes crosses over into our own human world; fierce women warriors battle with kings and heroes, and even the rules of time and space can be suspended. Captured in vivid prose these shadowy figures-gods, goddesses, and heroes-come to life for the modern reader.
Complexity and values in nurse education: dialogues on professional education /edited by Lipscomb Martin. Providing a critical discussion of issues faced by educators when ideas from outside of nursing conflict with normatively inspired outcomes that students are required to accept, this book explores the interplay of complexity and values in nurse education from a variety of vantages. Thought-provoking, challenging, and occasionally rumbustious in tone, this volume has something to say to both nurse educators (who may find cherished practices questioned) and students.
Computing and technology ethics: engaging through science fiction /Emanuelle Burton, Judy Goldsmith, Nicholas Mattei, Cory Siler and Sara-Jo Swiatek. Provides a comprehensive introduction to ethical frameworks and of many of the modern issues arising in technology ethics including computing, privacy, artificial intelligence, and more.
Conscience in the New Testament: a study of syneidesis in the New Testament with some observations concerning its pastoral relevance today /C.A. Pierce. A very strong rebuttal to the concept that conscience can be a guide to our future behavior.
Create your research poster /Corina Lacatus, Alex Nogues. This book breaks down everything you need to know about translating your research project into an effective research poster. Learn the basic elements of good poster design Ensure your poster captures all the relevant aspects of your research Understand how to tell a story with your poster
Drawing now 2015 / edited by Klaus Albrecht Schröder und = and Elsy Lahner. Drawing is experiencing a remarkable contemporary resurgence, with a revival of interest among collectors and curators, as well as among young artists who have discovered exciting new possibilities for the medium.
Enoch from antiquity to the Middle Ages /John C. Reeves and Annette Yoshiko Reed. This book provides scholars with a comprehensive collection of core references extracted from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim literature to a plethora of ancient writings associated with the name of the biblical character Enoch. It assembles citations of and references to writings attributed to Enoch in non-canonical Jewish, Christian, and Muslim literary sources (ranging in age from roughly the third century BCE up through the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries CE) into one convenient thematically arranged repository, and it classifies, compares, and briefly analyzes these references and citations to develop a clearer picture of the scope and range of what one might term “the Enochic library,” or the entire corpus of works attributed to Enoch and his subsequent cross-cultural avatars.
Essays presented to Charles Williams /contributors: Dorothy Sayers … [et al.]. A collection of six articles by friends of Charles Williams, written to present to him on his leaving Oxford, but published in 1947, to honour his death in 1945.
Gai bian li shi: Hua ren wen hua yu xuan jiao shi gong /Lin Zhiping zhu. Changing History: Chinese Culture and Missions
Gao chao zhi Jidu: Xibolai shu xin xi /Chen Zunde zhu. Christ Exalted: the message of Hebrews
God de Han yi shi: zheng lun, jie shou yu qi shi = A history of Chinese translation of God : controversy, reception and inspiration /Cheng Xiaojuan zhao. A History of Chinese Translation of God: Controversy, Acceptance and Enlightenment
Gold in British Columbia: discovery to Confederation /Marie Elliott. The history of gold mining on the Queen Charlottes (Haida Gwaii), the Fraser River, and in particular the Cariboo, with short bios of many of the important figures in the gold rush such as James Douglas and Matthew Baillie Begbie, as well as those of many of the independent miners. The book deals with the conflict between the First Nations and the California miners, the role of the Royal Engineers and the black police force, and of course the Hudson’s Bay Company. It also shows how the gold rush influenced Confederation, bringing in BC in 1871.
Handbook of research on educational leadership and research methodology /[edited by] Viktor Wang. This book provides contributed chapters addressing the evolution of educational leadership knowledge, thought and practices by sharing a diversity of perspectives, experiences, theories and philosophies related to educational leadership and research methodologies across all levels of education
Hong xing yu shi zi jia: Zhongguo gong chan dang de Jidu tu you ren /Zeng Qingbao zhu. Red Star and Cross: Christian Friends of the Communist Party of China
In defense of universal human rights /Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann. Howard-Hassmann vigorously defends the universality of human rights, arguing that the entire range of rights is necessary for all individuals everywhere, regardless of sex, color, ethnicity, sexuality, religion or social class. Only social democracies, she contends, can be considered fully rights-protective states. Taking issue with scholars who argue that human rights are Western quasi-imperialist impositions on states in the global South, and risk undermining community and social obligation, Howard-Hassmann explains how human rights support communities and can only be preserved if states and individuals observe their duties to protect them.
Jidu jiao ling xiu: Jidu tu shu ling sheng ming cao lian zhi yin /Wang Xin zhu. Christian Spirituality: A Guide to the Practice of Christians’ Spiritual Life
Jidu li de si xiang: Feilibi shu, Feili men shu xin xi /Chen Zunde zhu. Minds in Christ: Philippians, Philemon Messages
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