Here are the titles added to the collection – as the term comes to an end.
Evangelicalism: a very short introduction /John G. Stackhouse Jr. Evangelicalism: A Very Short Introduction focuses on what motivates evangelicals, on their hopes and fears, and on their agenda for the future.
On death & dying: what the dying have to teach doctors, nurses, clergy & their own families /Elisabeth Kübler-Ross ; foreword by Ira Byock. The five stages of grief, first formulated in this hugely influential work, are now part of our common understanding of loss. Ideal for all those with an interest in bereavement, this classic text is reissued with a new introduction looking at its influence on contemporary thought and practice.
Reading theology wisely: a practical introduction /Kent Eilers ; art by Chris Koelle. Eilers shows how theology can form the imagination and enhance ‘the human capacity for perceiving reality beyond the surface of things’–allowing Christians to see and experience God in the everyday. He then guides readers through the essential facets of theology so that it can begin to feel familiar and accessible, even (and especially) to beginners with no prior experience. Written conversationally and illustrated beautifully with art by Chris Koelle, Reading Theology Wisely is welcoming and engaging. Eilers takes Scripture and the wisdom of past thinkers as well as references to film and the arts–including architecture as part of an ongoing metaphor of inhabiting texts as we do physical spaces. Each chapter ends with a prayer and questions for reflection and discussion, followed by a ‘theology lab’ in which readers can put the content of the preceding chapter into practice.
The Cambridge companion to Latin American independence / edited by Marcela Echeverri, Yale University, Cristina Soriano, University of Texas at Austin. The Cambridge Companion to Latin American Independence revisits Latin American independence within a larger regional, temporal, and thematic framework to highlight its significance for the Age of Atlantic Revolutions. Organized thematically and across different regions of the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish and Luso America, the essays deepen well-known conclusions and reveal new interpretations. They offer analytical interventions that produce new questions on periodization, the meaning of anti-colonialism, liberalism, and republicanism, as well as the militarization of societies, public opinion, the role of sciences, labor regimes, and gender dynamics.
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