Here is a selection of print and eBooks recenlty added to the collection

 Atonement: soundings in biblical, trinitarian, and spiritual theology /Margaret M. Turek. This book presents the chief insights concerning the mystery of atonement in the works of four theological guides: John Paul II, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Norbert Hoffmann. The author argues for the central importance and perennial value of a theology of atonement, even as she explains the modern aversion to it. The book develops a compelling vision of atonement as a process that originates from and is engendered by God’s own power to love. This vision not only takes account of the gravity of sin and its consequences, but also provides a clear illumination of the wholly gratuitous, radically forgiving, passionate and powerful nature of God’s redeeming love for mankind. Distinct from the majority of theological accounts of atonement, which focus almost exclusively on the role of Christ, this book highlights the role of God the Father in the atoning mission of the Son.

 Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg: a biography of the first Protestant missionary in India, 1682-1719 /by Erich Beyreuther; translated from the German by S.G. Lang and H.W. Gensichen. The book looks at the first Protestant missionary to India and explores a little-known corner of south India’s cultural history. Ziegenbalg comes across as a flawed but gifted man who laid the foundations of an indigenous Church.

 Bullies and saints: an honest look at the good and evil of Christian history /John Dickson. Dickson gives an honest account of the mixed history of Christianity, the evil and the good. He concedes the Christians’ complicity for centuries of bullying but also shows the myriad ways the beautiful melody of Christ has enriched our world and the lives of countless individuals. This book asks contemporary skeptics of religion to listen again to the melody of Jesus, despite the discord produced by too many Christians through history and today. It also leads contemporary believers into sober reflection on and repentance for their own participation in the tragic inconsistencies of Christendom and seeks to inspire them to live in tune with Christ.

 Dead souls /Nikolai Gogol ; translated with an introduction by David Magarshack. Chichikov, an amusing, and often confused schemer, buys deceased serfs’ names from landholders’ poll tax lists hoping to mortgage them for profit.

 Dishonored Americans: the political death of loyalists in revolutionary America /Timothy Compeau. This book examines the experiences of Loyalists before, during, and after the American Revolution through the lens of honor culture and political death–Provided by publisher.

 Ecocriticism: the essential reader /edited by Ken Hiltner. Ecocriticism: The Essential Reader charts the growth of this important field. Containing seminal, representative, and contemporary work in the field, this volume and the editorial commentary is designed for use on both undergraduate and postgraduate ecocritical literature courses.

 Environmental education: an interdisciplinary approach to nature /edited by Matthew Etherington  (TWU AUTHOR); foreword by Amba J. Sepie. This book has a single motif and a dual purpose. Its motif is the portrayal of influential authors within an environmental framework and worldview. The design is presented in different ways in which environmental understandings might be understood. The purposes are to engender in the reader a broad knowledge of some of the ideas and problems inherent in a discussion of nature and the environment and to stimulate the reader to go further into the sources of their tradition and worldview in search of meaning and insights that are uniquely relevant to their philosophy.

 Foundations of Christian worship /Susan J. White. Providing structure for thinking seriously about worship as a part of Christian faith and experience, Foundations of Christian Worship addresses the question, what is Christian worship and why do Christians worship as they do? Beginning with an overview of the theological, biblical, historical, and anthropological foundations of Christian worship,  White then turns to discussing its components–prayer, creeds, music, time, ritual, and art. Later, she delves into the nourishment of the Christian life and the major worship events throughout the human life cycle. Finally, she discusses contemporary challenges to Christian worship and concludes with case studies for further exploration. With helpful appendixes and a glossary of liturgical terms Foundations of Christian Worship is an excellent primer for seminary students and ministers early in their careers.

 Ivanhoe /Sir Walter Scott ; edited with an introd. and notes by A.N. Wilson. In 1194 the Saxon knight Ivanhoe returns from the Crusades to a chaotic England ruled by the enemies of the absent King Richard the Lion-Hearted and finds himself disowned and dishonored, forced to fight for his name and the people he loves.

 The apathetic God: exploring the contemporary relevance of divine impassibility /Daniel Castelo ; foreword by Thomas G. Weinandy. Castelo provided a strong biblical defense and understanding of God’s impassibility

 The appalling story of Euro-American meddling in Yugoslavia /[Milutin Propadovich]. The primary purpose of this book is the defense of the Serbian nation.

 The Book of Lamentations /Joshua A. Berman, Bar-Ilan University. In this commentary, we discover how Lamentations’ narrator, a pastoral mentor, engages daughter Zion in a series of discussions in a systematic process akin to therapy, charting for her a way forward to reconnecting with the LORD.

 The Christian bhakti of A. J. Appasamy: a collection of his writings /edited by T. Dayanandan Francis. Comparative perspectives on Christianity and Hinduism, partly centering around bhakti, worship and love of God.

The mill on the floss /George Eliot ; edited with an introd. and notes by A.S. Byatt. A Victorian mill owner and the lord of a manor start a family feud which ends in tragedy for two young lovers.

 The singing-masters: church fathers from Greek East and Latin West /Aidan Nichols, O.P. The Singing-Masters is a passionate, personalized account of the theological achievement of eighteen of the Church Fathers. The Fathers chosen here are those who have been especially authoritative for Catholic doctrine or particularly influential in Church life. While giving a dramatic, humanized account of patristic thought, colored by biographical detail,  Nichols, draws the reader into a serious discussion of the Fathers’ complex theological doctrines. The Singing-Masters offers a holistic and loving introduction to the figures who most shaped Christian thought, both in the East and in the West.

 When time is short: finding our way in the Anthropocene /Timothy Beal. A book about our denial of death as a species, how religion has fueled that denial, and how religion might also help break through that denial and find hope.

 You need a better gospel: reclaiming the good news of participation with Christ /Klyne R. Snodgrass. A senior New Testament scholar shows that the church will never be what it is supposed to be without a recovery of the gospel.