News and activities at Norma Marion Alloway Library, Trinity Western University

Month: May 2024 (Page 1 of 2)

New Titles Tuesday, May 28

Here is a diverse selection of print and eBooks added to the collection recently

 A naked tree: love sonnets to C.S. Lewis and other poems /Joy Davidman ; edited by Don W. King.The first comprehensive collection of Davidman’s poetry, this book includes the poems that originally appeared in her Letter to a comrade (1938), forty other published poems, and more than two hundred previously unpublished poems that came to light in a remarkable 2010 discovery.

 Amplifying indigenous voices in business: indigenization, reconciliation, and entrepreneurship /Priscilla Omulo. Amplifying Indigenous Voices in Business is for organizations and allies who would like to make a positive difference by learning how to amplify Indigenous voices, Indigenize businesses, and support Indigenous entrepreneurship, all in the bigger spirit of reconciliation.  Omulo addresses Canada’s complicated history with Indigenous peoples and how that contributes to today’s challenges in the business realm. Omulo’s step-by-step guide explains how any organization can make immediate plans to improve the way they do business by doing the research, consulting the right people, and formulating a strategy to move forward. Omulo shows readers how a commitment to doing the right thing will lead to a more sustainable and inclusive place for all, and a stronger foundation for businesses and other organizations.

 Autism through a sensory lens: sensory assessment and strategies /Joy Beaney. This easy-to-use resource introduces the sensory differences autistic children may face, and explores how these differences can affect their ability to make sense of the world.

 Belonging without othering: how we save ourselves and the world /john a. powell and Stephen Menendian. Belonging without Othering is   profound exploration arguing that the struggles faced by marginalized groups can only be fully grasped through the lenses of othering and belonging. Powell and Menendian  unearth the mechanisms of othering, drawing on examples from around the world and throughout history. This book offers an approach that encourages us to turn toward one another–even if it involves questioning seemingly tolerant and benevolent forms of othering. Crucially, the authors assert that there’s no inherent or inevitable notion of an other. The authors make a compelling case for a true belongingness paradigm, one that liberates us from rigid self-concepts while celebrating our rich diversity.

 Borderlands: the art and scholarship of Louise Imogen Guiney ; with selections from Guiney’s poetry, essays, and letters /edited by Jonathan Nauman and Holly Faith Nelson. (TWU AUTHOR) This is the first edited collection of original essays published on Guiney (1861-1920), Irish American poet, essayist, editor, literary critic, and epistolist, and the first volume to anthologise a selection of both her poetry and prose.

 Commentary on the Songs of songs /Rupert of Deutz ; translated by Jieon Kim and Vittorio Hösle ; with an introduction by Vittorio Hösle. Rupert of Deutz ‘s Commentary on the Songs of Songs employs typological and allegorical approaches to exegesis. A distinctive feature of his unusual interpretation is his depiction of this book as presenting the voices of Jesus and Mary.

 His star in the east /by A. Saulière ; revised and re-edited by S. Rajamanickam. The author says: ‘My  aim has been to write a biography based on well authenticated facts so as to do away with the exaggerations and legends which have grown round the name of Fr Robert de Nobili– I narrate the life story of the great pioneer as it appears in contemporary documents letting, as much as possible, the actors of the drama speak for themselves.

Re-visioning India’s religious traditions: essays in honour of Eric Lott /edited by David C. Scott & Israel Selvanayagam. Festschrift honoring Rev. Dr. Eric J. Lott, former professor of the United Theological College, Bangalore, 1977-1988.

 Smoke on the mountain: the Ten commandments in terms of today /Joy Davidman. With glimspses into the history behind the Scriptures, Davidman shows how the Decalogue is just as true and applicable for men and women of today as it was for biblical times.

 The Narnia cookbook: foods from C.S. Lewis’s The chronicles of Narnia /commentary by Douglas Gresham ; illustrations by Pauline Baynes. A collection of recipes devised from some of the foods mentioned in the Chronicles of Narnia, along with a history of the dishes and anecdotes from Lewis’s life.

 Weeping Bay /by Joy Davidman. Tourists often passed through the little town of Weeping Bay in the Gaspé peninsula. They exclaimed from their big automobiles at the magnificent scenery, the quaint local customs, the picturesque fishermen’s huts, and at the church with its gilt towers. But they did not see the real Weeping Bay. There were passion and violence, love and hate, and unquenchable human longing in Weeping Bay. There was also a wrong–a wrong that could have been righted by faith in humanity, rather than by desperate clinging to a rigid creed. It is that story that Joy Davidman tells with such force and searing intensity.

New Titles Tuesday May 21

Here is a selection of eBooks recently added to the collection and ready for use.

 #ChurchToo: how purity culture upholds abuse and how to find healing /Emily Joy Allison. When Allison outed her abuser on Twitter, she launched #ChurchToo, a movement to expose the culture of sexual abuse and assault utterly rampant in Christian churches in America. #ChurchToo turns over the rocks of the church’s sexual dysfunction, revealing just what makes sexualized violence in religious contexts both ubiquitous and uniquely traumatizing. It also lays the groundwork for not one but many paths of healing from a religious culture of sexual shame, secrecy, and control, and for victims of assault to live full, free, healthy lives.

 An impossible marriage: what our mixed-orientation marriage has taught us about love and the gospel /Laurie Krieg and Matt Krieg. Laurie and Matt Krieg are in a mixed-orientation marriage: Laurie is primarily attracted to women-and so is Matt. With vulnerability and wisdom, they tell the story of how they met and got married, the challenges and breakthroughs of their journey, and what they’ve learned about how marriage is meant to point us to the love and grace of Jesus.

 Born again and again: Jesus’ call to radical transformation /Megan K. Westra. Born Again and Again is the story of how a religion birthed on the margins of the Roman Empire became functionally the official religion of today’s largest military superpower. Westra takes on the consuming form of Christianity that has birthed the doctrine of discovery, planet-killing lifestyles, and civil religion. She leads readers into an encounter with the Jesus who gave up everything to come to us and invites us to give up everything to come to him.

 Christianity’s American fate: how religion became more conservative and society more secular /David A. Hollinger. This sweeping work traces the rise of the evangelical movement and the decline of mainline Protestantism’s influence on American life. Hollinger shows how the Protestant establishment, adopting progressive ideas about race, gender, sexuality, empire, and divinity, liberalized too quickly for some and not quickly enough for others. He argues that the USA became not only overwhelmingly Protestant but “Protestant on steroids.”

 Creating the canon: composition, controversy, and the authority of the New Testament /Benjamin P. Laird. Laird offers constructive insight on matters tied to the composition, collection, and authority of the New Testament canon.

 Digital ministry and leadership in today’s church /edited by John Roberto. Provides essential knowledge, practices, and skills to guide pastors, ministry leaders, and faith formation leaders in Christian churches in creating digitally integrated ministry and faith formation in their churches.

 Dutiful love: empowering individuals and families affected by mental illness /Elizabeth L. Hinson-Hasty ; foreword by Bill Gaventa. Dutiful Love explores the distinctive relationship between self-sacrificial love and caregiving when that duty to care extends over the course of an entire lifetime because of social limitations placed upon people with severe mental illness. The author draws upon her own experiences as the sibling of someone with mental illness.

 Formation for mission: discipleship and identity for emerging adults /edited by Mary T. Lederleitner, Andrew MacDonald, and Rick Richardson. Formation for Mission empowers those who interact with teenagers and young adults. Gathering wisdom from a diverse variety of veteran teachers and weaving together research–informed social, theological, and practical insights, each chapter examines essential features in the missional development, formation, and contexts of young people. With cultural awareness and sensitivity to the challenges of today, Formation for Mission offers hopeful advice to those who are invested in supporting the spiritual thriving of emerging adults.

 Francis of Assisi: his life, vision and companions /Michael F. Cusato. This is an original and historically informed account of Francis of Assisi.  The book explores how Francis – along with his earliest brothers – embraced a life of poverty, in solidarity with the lowest ranks of society, preaching a message of justice and dignity for all. It examines how and why his vision then expanded to embrace non-Christians, and Muslims in particular, following Francis’s celebrated encounter with the Sultan al-Malik al-Kamil in 1219. This new work also considers the clash between Francis and newer members of his order, the stimulus for his reception of the stigmata, and his final years spent trying to keep his brothers faithful to their original vision, while living as an exemplar of the gospel life.

  Free in deed: the heart of Lutheran ethics /Craig L. Nessan. Free in Deed provides an imaginative and succinct introduction to Lutheran ethics, which the author contends is, neighbor ethics. This Lutheran framework provides a distinctive approach for navigating social issues in tumultuous times.

 God behaving badly: is the God of the Old Testament angry, sexist, and racist? /David T. Lamb. Lamb unpacks the complexity of the Old Testament to explore the character of God. He provides historical and cultural background to shed light on problematic passages and to bring underlying themes to the fore. Without minimizing the sometimes harsh realities of the biblical record, Lamb assembles an overall portrait that gives coherence to our understanding of God in both the Old and New Testaments.

 God reforms hearts: rethinking free will and the problem of evil /Thaddeus Williams. Williams offers a friendly challenge to the central claim of the free will defense–that love is possible only with true (or libertarian) free will. Williams argues that much thinking on free will fails to carve out the necessary distinction between an autonomous will and an unforced will. Williams judges the merits and shortcomings of the relational free will defense while offering a philosophically and biblically robust alternative that draws from theologians of the past to point a way forward.–.

 Households and holiness: the religious culture of Israelite women /Carol Meyers. Meyers stresses the diversity of religious practices in ancient Israel and argues we must examine practices as well as beliefs. The book explores anthropology, archaeological evidence, ethnographic data, and textual sources.

 Incline your ear: cultivating spiritual awakening in congregations /Chad R. Abbott and Teresa Blythe ; foreword by J. Brent Bill. Abbot and Blythe explore ways to become more aware of the presence of the Holy, deepen our relationship with God, discern where God is leading, share our spiritual gifts, and evaluate these fruits of the Spirit. Readers will find new ways to be in love with God and listen to the Spirit.

 Invisible: theology and the experience of Asian American women /Grace Ji-Sun Kim. Kim examines encounters with racism, sexism, and xenophobia as she works toward ending Asian American women’s invisibility.  She deploys biblical, sociological, and theological narratives to empower the voices of Asian American women.  And she shares the story of her heritage, her family history, her immigration, and her own experience as an Asian American woman.

 Jesus the purifier: John’s gospel and the fourth quest for the historical Jesus /Craig L. Blomberg. Blomberg advances the idea that John is a viable and valuable source for studying the historical Jesus. He begins by reviewing the first three quests, reassessing both their contributions and their shortcomings. He then discusses the emerging consensus regarding demonstrably historical portions of John, which are more numerous than usually assumed.

 Let the light in: healing from distorted images of God /Colin McCartney McCartney warns of the dangers of viewing God as a judgmental, angry dictator. McCartney lays out a strong case, rooted in Scripture, for a more accurate image of a God who is Love.

 Living I was your plague: Martin Luther’s world and legacy /Lyndal Roper. This book reflects on the way Luther carefully crafted an image of himself, how others portrayed him for their own purposes (both during his life and after), and the ongoing legacy of these images. Roper does not shy away from discussing and grappling with his less savory side.  Moving nimbly from analysis of Luther’s portraits to his dreams, his anti-Pope propaganda, and even the Playmobile Luther figures of today, Roper presents new sides of this complicated man made more complicated by his followers and detractors.

 Mary in the Christian tradition /Owen F. Cummings. Cummings provides an overview of Mary in the Christian tradition, beginning with the New Testament, through the Reformation, and finishing up with contemporary views on her role.

 Mine eyes have seen the glory: religion and the politics of race in the Civil War era and beyond /Steven L. Dundas. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory is a hard-hitting history of the impact of racism and religion on the political, social, and economic development of the American nation from Jamestown to today, in particular the nefarious effects of slavery on U.S. society and history. Dundas examines how racism and the institution of slavery influenced the political and social structure of the United States, beginning with the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory is the story of perpetrators, victims, and bystanders; slaves and slaveholders; preachers, politicians, and propagandists; fire-eaters and firebrands; civil rights leaders and champions of white supremacy; and the ordinary people in the South and the North whose lives were impacted by it all. .

 Ministers of reconciliation: preaching on race and the Gospel /Daniel Darling, editor. In this collection of essays, issues of race and ethnicity are explored from a variety of perspectives, offering guidance to pastors on how to address those topics in their own contexts. Each builds on a foundational passage of Scripture.

 More than things: a personalist ethics for a throwaway culture /Paul Louis Metzger. Metzger argues, we must work hard to account for one another’s personhood. We need to cultivate relational structures that honor every human’s dignity in vital interpersonal community. Drawing from a wide range of thought leaders, Metzger presents a personalist moral vision founded on the Christian ideals of faith, hope, and love. He demonstrates how this moral compass can help us navigate a pluralistic world by applying it to a variety of pressing ethical issues.

 Next Sunday: an honest dialogue about the future of the church /Nancy Beach and Samantha Beach Kiley. As the church reckons with the abuse, racism, patriarchy, and unchecked power that have marked evangelicalism for too long, Nancy, a boomer and key player in the megachurch movement, and Samantha, a millennial wondering if the church’s foundations still hold, have a vulnerable conversation about what the church has been-and what it can be.

 On the origin of Christian scripture: the evolution of the New Testament canon in the second century /David Trobisch. Trobisch sees the New Testament as an enlarged revision of an older publication attributed to Marcion. This perspective provides new answers to the origin of the Johannine corpus, the synoptic parallels, and the authorship of the letters of Paul.

 Pathways to Hindu-Christian dialogue /Anantanand Rambachan. Pathways to Hindu-Christian Dialogue offers dialogue that fosters mutual understanding, respect, and learning in both communities.

 Pilate and Jesus /Giorgio Agamben ; translated by Adam Kotsko. This book takes Pilate’s role in the trial of Jesus as a starting point for investigating the function of legal judgment in Western society and the ways that such judgment requires us to adjudicate the competing claims of the eternal and the historical.

 Pilgrimage as spiritual practice: a handbook for teachers, wayfarers, and guides /editors, Jeffrey Bloechl, André Brouillette. This book provides a handbook of resources to aid the study and practice of pilgrimage for leaders and pilgrims. The first part of the book explores aspects of the pilgrimage phenomenon: philosophy, theology, anthropology, psychology, medieval literature, art history. The second part addresses specific pilgrimage experiences and contexts.

 Recovering origins: a unique healing program for adult children of divorce /Margaret Harper McCarthy, under the auspices of the Pontifical John Paull II, Institute for Studies on Marriage & Family Recovering Origins is a healing program offered to adult children of divorced parents who wrestle with the primal loss of the community that brought them into the world. It comprises eight sessions that include prayers, readings, reflections, quotes from others’ experience, and images of great works of art-.

 Rekindling embers of the soul: an examination of spirituality issues relating to teacher education /editors Miranda Lin and Thomas Lucey (TWU AUTHORS Allyson Jule, Carolyn Kristjansson, Yu-Ling Lee, and Kevin Mirchandani)  This edited volume fills the gap in scholarship by providing information about an understudied aspect of teacher education research. In an education environment that provides an increasing degree of standardization founded upon corporatized materialist values, the concept of spirituality and its importance in shaping the diverse identities of students and teachers becomes neglected. This volume offers nine chapters, which relate the spirituality to teacher education with regard to theory and research, instruction, and content. Both researchers and teachers will appreciate the insights that it offers.

 Saving faith: how American Christianity can reclaim its prophetic voice /Randall Balmer. Saving Faith examines the crisis of American Christianity and argues that recovering a prophetic voice entails learning from history and listening to Jesus.

 The digital humanities coursebook: an introduction to digital methods for research and scholarship /Johanna Drucker. The Digital Humanities Coursebook provides critical frameworks for the application of Digital Humanities tools and platforms. The book is focused on the principles and fundamental concepts for application, rather than on specific tools or platforms. Each chapter contains examples of projects, tools, or platforms that demonstrate these principles in action.

 The earth cries out: how faith communities meet the challenges of sustainability /Gary Gardner. The Earth Cries Out describes best practices in religious responses to the climate and sustainability emergency, and presents the next steps for faith communities in the years ahead.

 The holy and the hybrid: navigating the Church’s digital reformation /Ryan M. Panzer. Panzer helps church leaders develop post-pandemic hybrid ministries through aligning the shared mission of the church with the collective values of our tech-shaped culture. The goal of the book is to help build communities that serve as the hands and feet of Christ simultaneously online and offline. Church will be at its best, Panzer argues, when we begin our conversations on technology not with apps or IT infrastructure but with values.

 The human in a dehumanizing world: reexamining theological anthropology and its implications /Jessica Coblentz and Daniel P. Horan, OFM, editors. CTS annual volume focusing on dehumanization and theological anthropology, in such areas as sexual harassment, racial justice, and decolonization.

 The Messiah confrontation: Pharisees versus Sadducees and the death of Jesus /Israel Knohl ; translated by David Maisel. The Messiah Confrontation argues that Jesus was really convicted and crucified because of a confrontation between two Jewish ideologies.

 The nones: where they came from, who they are, and where they are going /Ryan P. Burge Burge details a comprehensive picture of an increasingly significant group–Americans who say they have no religious affiliation. Burge illustrates his precise but accessible descriptions with charts and graphs drawn from over a dozen carefully curated datasets, some tracking changes in American religion over a long period of time, others large enough to allow a statistical deep dive on subgroups such as atheists and agnostics. Burge also draws on data that tracks how individuals move in and out of religion over time, helping readers understand what type of people become nones and what factors lead an individual to return to religion.

 The religion of American greatness: what’s wrong with Christian nationalism /Paul D. Miller ; foreword by David French. Miller provides a detailed portrait of-and case against-Christian nationalism, calling for US Christians to seek a healthier political witness that respects constitutional ideals and a biblical vision of justice.

 The Routledge international handbook of sociology and Christianity /edited by Dennis Hiebert. (TWU AUTHOR Todd Martin) With attention to the Catholic, Eastern, and Protestant branches of Christianity, this book examines the intersection of the sociology of religion and Christianity, providing an authoritative, internationally representative and thematically comprehensive analysis of both the sociology of Christianity and Christian approaches to sociology.

 Theological anthropology  /J. Patout Burns & Joseph W. Trigg, volume editors ; with Robin Darling Young & Jeffrey T. Wickes. Gathers and translates seminal texts from early Christianity that explore the diversity of theological approaches to the nature and ends of humanity. Readers will gain a sense of how early Christians conceived of and reflected upon humanity and human nature in different theological movements, including Platonism, Gnosticism, asceticism, Pelagianism, Augustinianism, and their legacies in late antiquity and the dawn of the Middle Ages.

 Transforming: the Bible and the lives of transgender Christians /Austen Hartke. Offers insight into Scriptures often used to enforce a fixed and binary conception of gender and highlights the narratives of both gender-expansive biblical characters and transgender Christians living today. This new, expanded edition includes even more tools to equip churches, pastors, and allies to better welcome and care for their trans and nonbinary neighbors.

 Unbelievers: an emotional history of doubt /Alec Ryrie Unbelievers shows how, long before philosophers started to make the case for atheism, powerful cultural currents were challenging traditional faith. Ryrie traces the roots of atheism born of anger,  and of doubt born of anxiety, as Christians discovered their faith was flimsier than they had believed.

 Understanding world Christianity: Russia /Scott M. Kenworthy, Alexander S. Agadjanian.  Understanding World Christianity: Russia offers a compelling glimpse into the vibrant and complex picture of Christianity in the Russian context. It’s an ideal introduction for students, mission leaders, and any others who wish to know how Christianity influences, and is influenced by, the Russian context.

 Untimely Christianity: hearing the Bible in a secular age /Michael Edwards ; translated by John Marson Dunaway ; foreword by Alister McGrath. Edwards calls for a countercultural Christianity that recovers the Bible’s radical otherness and renews our attention to its message. Rich in theology, philosophy, poetry, biblical interpretation, and cultural criticism, the book calls readers to encounter the Bible anew.

 Women and the Christian story: a global history /Jennifer Hornyak Wojciechowski. This is a story about Christian women. It is a story of martyrs, mystics, missionaries, leaders, preachers, theologians, saints, and prophets . Wojciechowski foregrounds the story of Christian women for a new era. Be they powerful or nameless, saintly or flawed, women across two millennia and six continents are lifted up and allowed to speak fully to their part in the spread of the faith.

New Titles Tuesday, May 14

Here is a selection of recently added print and eBooks ready for use.

 Between Hindu and Christian: Khrist Bhaktas, Catholics, and the negotiation of devotion in Banaras /Kerry P. C. San Chirico. Between Hindu and Christian examines a movement of low caste and Dalit devotees worshipping Jesus in Catholic spaces in Varanasi, the purported heart of Hindu civilization. The author examines the worldview and ways of life of these devotees, along with the Catholic priests and nuns who mediate Jesus, Mary and other members of the Catholic pantheon in a place never associated with Christianity. The author places this movement within the context of the devotional history of Varanasi, the history of Indian Christianity, the rise of low caste and Dalit emancipatory struggles, and the ascendance of Hindu nationalism to demonstrate, among other things, that religious categories are not nearly as self-evident as they often seem.

  Lewis: on the Christ of a religious economy : II. knowing salvation /P. H. Brazier. This book opens with a discussion of the Anscombe-Lewis debate (the theological issues relating to revelation and reason, Christ the Logos). This leads into Lewis on the Church (the body of Christ) and his understanding of religion. It concludes with the question of sufferance and atonement, substitution and election, deliverance and redemption: heaven, hell, resurrection, and eternity. Also  Lewis: revelation, conversion, and apologetics /P. H. Brazier ; foreword by Stephen R. Holmes.

 Elisabeth Elliot: a life /Lucy S. R. Austen. Biography of a strong and complicated woman whose life was deeply, fundamentally informed by love for Jesus and obedience to his commands.

 Grace for service: an exegetical theology of the Spirit’s gifts for ministry /Kenneth G. Radant. (TWU Author) Grace for Service is a thoroughly researched, biblically grounded, personally transformational study of the Holy Spirit’s enabling grace for ministry designed to equip leaders who guide the church in its stewardship of God’s gifts and to enrich the understanding of Christians who want to go deeper in this important subject. This book serves up an exceptionally broad buffet of historical, biblical, and theological information to help the reader engage the many questions associated with’spiritual gifts. In the process it offers a fresh perspective that transcends typical find-and-use-your-gift teaching and moves beyond the long-standing battles over miraculous gifts. It calls the follower of Jesus to view all dimensions of life through the lens of the Spirit’s gracious equipping and enabling work.

 In the highest degree: essays on C. S. Lewis’s philosophical theology : method, content, & reason. Volume 2  & Volume 1 /P. H. Brazier ; foreword by Gregory Hagg.  These essays provide some understanding of the essentials to Lewis’s philosophical theology, that is, the essentia, in the highest degree. Lewis’s corpus can seem disparate, but here we find unity in his aims, objectives, and methodology, a consistency that demonstrates the deep roots of his philosophical theology in Scripture, in Greek philosophy, patristic and medieval theology, and in some of the Reformers, all framed by a reasoned discipline from a perceptive and critical mind – for the glory of God.

 Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change /Esther Cameron, Mike Green. This book provides comprehensive guidance on adapting mindsets, structures and strategies to achieve success. Making Sense of Change Management covers the theories and models of change management and connects them to workable techniques that organizations of all types and sizes can use to adapt to tough market conditions. There is coverage of how COVID-19, remote work and the focus on compassionate leadership has affected the way change is managed in organizations.

 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job: God gives his people wisdom /Gary Holloway. This Meditative Commentary on Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job is an invitation to personal daily Bible study, to praying the Scriptures, to sharing with fellow believers, to hear the voice of God.

 Sports entrepreneurship: beyond the big leagues /Christopher Mumford. This book is for anyone who dreams of starting a sports business.  Mumford explores the state of the game in data analytics, sports betting, eSports, youth sports, fitness, and the fan experience. He surveys the key players in each sector, identifying possibilities and constraints for new entrants.  Mumford  shares the stories of his own sports start-ups and offers advice based on these experiences. Sports Entrepreneurship details practical step-by-step methods for turning an idea into an enterprise. Mumford guides readers through an actionable framework: map out interests and goals, recognize opportunities, get feedback from users, and accelerate growth.

 Take your baby and run: how nurses blew the whistle on Canada’s biggest cardiac disaster /Carol Youngson. This is Youngson’s first-hand account of the shocking ineptitude and misogynistic behaviour that led to the death of twelve children, primarily infants, under the care of Dr. Jonah Odim at Winnipeg’s largest hospital in 1994. Youngson was the nurse in charge of the cardiac unit and in her book she details the dysfunctional hospital hierarchy that allowed this tragedy to unfold, leading to the longest running inquiry in Canadian history.

 The apocryphal Gospels: Jesus traditions outside the Bible /Jens Schröter ; translated by Wayne Coppins. This short, accessible introduction draws on current scholarship on the various non-canonical (or apocryphal) gospels to present this fascinating literature to readers eager to learn more about their origins, contents, and meaning. The book begins with a discussion of the distinction between gospels that became canonical and those that came to be regarded as apocryphal. Then, the gospels are presented in chapters arranged according to Jesus’ ministry: from Infancy Gospels to texts about Jesus’ earthly career to his passion, resurrection, and post-resurrection appearances. This book demonstrates how early Christians confronted crises in their communities through story, crafting new accounts of Jesus’ life that expanded upon and sometimes challenged the Gospels that became canonical.

 The completion of C.S. Lewis: from war to joy (1945-1963) /Harry Lee Poe. Poe offers a comprehensive look into the final years of Lewis’s life, examining the experiences and relationships that informed some of his most well-known writings.

 The first Christian slave: Onesimus in context /Mary Ann Beavis ; foreword by Susan Elliott. This study centers on Onesimus as an intentional convert; the first Christian slave whose name we know. Using research about early Christian slavery, slavery in the Roman world, and comparative evidence from African-American slave narratives, this study starts from the assumption that Onesimus had his own motives and aspirations in pursuing his association with Paul, and reconstructs his voice using hints within and outside the text that suggest his agency and subjectivity.

 The making of C. S. Lewis: from atheist to apologist (1918-1945) /Harry Lee Poe. Tracing Lewis’ transformation from a young atheist studying at Oxford to Christian apologist defending the faith, Poe brings to life one of the most prolific Christian voices of the twentieth century.

 The woman they wanted: shattering the illusion of the good Christian wife /Shannon Harris. As a twenty-three-year-old singer and the soon-to-be wife of youth pastor Joshua Harris, nothing in Shannon Harris’s secular upbringing prepared her to enter the world of conservative Christianity. Soon Joshua’s bestselling book I Kissed Dating Goodbye helped inspire a national purity movement, and Shannon’s identity became’pastor’s wife. The Woman They Wanted recounts Shannon’s remarkable experience inside Big Church–where she was asked to live within a narrow definition of womanhood for almost two decades–and her subsequent journey out of that world and into a more authentic version of herself. Singular and compelling, The Woman They Wanted will inspire women looking to reestablish connection with themselves, their inner wisdom, and their purpose.

New Titles Tuesday, May 7

Here is a selection of print and eBooks recently added to the collection and ready for use

 Academic library services for graduate students: supporting future academics and professionals /Carrie Forbes and Peggy Keeran, editors. Providing practical and theoretical chapters on academic library services for graduate students, this volume helps information professionals support this often-overlooked campus population to address their multiple roles and identities as students and as future faculty members or professionals.

 Better than brunch: missional churches in Cascadia /Jason Byassee and Ross A. Lockhart ; foreword by Darrell L. Guder. Across the Pacific Northwest the authors discovered deeply rooted missional communities worshiping God and serving their neighborhoods, offering evidence of unexpected Cascadian treasure in clay jars. Join the authors on a treasure hunt throughout the region as they identify new patterns of post-Christendom Christianity that will inspire and challenge your understanding of church.

 C.S. Lewis on higher education: the pedagogy of pleasure /Stewart Goetz. Explores Lewis’ views on the purpose of higher education and his distinctive answer: to experience pleasure.

 Christian friendship: engaging the tradition, transforming the culture /John P. Bequette Christian Friendship proposes a recovery of friendship as new way of re-establishing the interpersonal communion that characterizes the human person created in the image of God. The author seeks to recover a genuine understanding of friendship by exploring ancient philosophy and the Catholic theological tradition. By examining the writings of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Anselm, and others, Christian Friendship proposes a new way for Catholics to address the cultural issues besetting the Christian community today.

 Christian Zionism and the restoration of Israel: how should we interpret the scriptures? /Colin Chapman. This book discusses the key texts about the restoration of Israel, questioning the Christian Zionist interpretation and offering an alternative. This is followed by a detailed study of two important Old Testament texts dealing with the future of Israel,  understanding them in their original context and exploring how they are interpreted in the New Testament.

 Colossians: an eco-stoic reading /Vicky Balabanski. Balabanski analyses Colossians as a co-authored letter, written during Paul’s Roman imprisonment by Timothy with the input of Epaphras, and sent with Paul’s introductory and concluding greetings. Balabanski sees remarkable resonances between the cosmology of this letter and that of Stoic thought, the most widely held philosophy in first century Asia Minor. She argues that the Logos of Christ – the Gospel – was welcomed by small groups of people shaped by Stoic thought, and they experienced Christ as the visible expression of the One God who permeates reality. This Eco-Stoic reading brings contemporary ecological questions into dialogue with the distinctive Christology and cosmology of the letter.

 Concussed: sport’s uncomfortable truth /Sam Peters. The definitive account of sport’s concussion crisis, how its ‘dirty secret’ was finally made public and what sport must now do to save itself. Concussed reveals Peters’ attempts to blow the whistle on a mounting head injury crisis. Including exclusive interviews with bereaved families whose stories have never been told before, as well as high-profile administrators, medics, current and past players, coaches, lawyers and media figures, Peters recounts the countless battles he fought and the threats he faced in a sport whose macho culture masked the urgent need to radically overhaul player welfare standards. Expanding his research from rugby to football, NFL and cricket, Peters brings an unparalleled breadth of experience and depth of knowledge to a subject he has written about and campaigned over for almost a decade

 Decolonizing and indigenizing visions of educational leadership: global perspectives in charting the course /edited by Njoki N. Wane, Kimberly L. Todd, Coly Chau, and Heather Watts. This edited collection centres the reclamation of global counter and Indigenous knowledges, epistemologies, ontologies, axiologies, and cosmovisions that have the capacity to create new educational leadership frameworks that chart courses to visions beyond the current oppressive systems of education. This anthology is centred around themes of schooling, community building, liberatory praxis and decolonial movements, and Indigenous governance..

 Disability and the church: a vision for diversity and inclusion /Lamar Hardwick. Hardwick was thirty-six years old when he found out he was on the autism spectrum. It prompted a difficult re-evaluation of who he was as a person. And as a pastor, it started him on a new path of considering the way disabled people are treated in the church. Disability and the Church is a practical and theological reconsideration of the church’s responsibilities to the disabled community. He insists that the good news of Jesus affirms God’s image in all people, and he offers practical steps and strategies to build stronger, truly inclusive communities of faith.

 Ecclesiastes: an earth Bible commentary : Qoheleth’s eternal earth /by Marie Turner. Turner examines the writings of Qoheleth in the book of Ecclesiastes and provides an ecological reading of the text that gives readers clear insights into how biblical wisdom literature can be used to respond to the challenges facing the environment in the present day, as well as advancing the field of ecological hermeneutics. In this commentary Turner looks at the concept of Qoheleth’s ‘eternal earth’, moving through the chapters of Ecclesiastes with an ear attuned to the voice of the Earth as it struggles to be heard against the voice of the economy. Illustrating how a biblical framework for environmentally responsible living may be generated, Turner’s analysis is invaluable both to those studying Qoheleth and those invested in the Bible and ecology.

 Finding grace in caregiving /Bradley C. Hanson Finding Grace in Caregiving arises out of Hanson’s quest for grace in caregiving his wife, Marion, who has Alzheimer’s Disease. The heart of the book is reflection on the qualities that St. Paul calls the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, and gentleness. Drawing also on his personal interviews with others, Hanson gives caregivers encouragement, guidance, and hope.

 From the lost and found department: new and selected poems /Joy Kogawa ; introduction by Brandon Shimoda. A career-spanning volume that brings together new and selected works by an iconic voice in Canadian literature and beyond. Elegant, sharp, moving, and beautifully crafted–here is brand new work from the celebrated novelist and poet Joy Kogawa whose contributions to Canadian literature are unparalleled. This essential volume brings together new work with selected poems earlier publications.

 Game of edges: the analytics revolution and the future of professional sports /Bruce Schoenfeld. The story of how a new generation of tech-savvy franchise owners is reshaping every aspect of professional sports. Game of Edges is the story of how sports franchises evolved, on and off the field, from raggedly run small businesses into some of the most systematically productive companies around. Drawing on extensive interviews with franchise owners, general managers, executives, and players, Schoenfeld introduces dynamic leaders who are radically reimagining the operations of decades-old teams-and producing mind-boggling valuations. Essential reading for anyone interested in sports, business, or technology, Game of Edges explores a world where winning the game is only the beginning.

 Green education in nursing /Sameh Elhabashy. With an environmental approach at its core, Green Education in Nursing encourages nurses to spearhead sustainability initiatives within healthcare and confront the challenges posed by single-use items. It advocates for a holistic socio-ecological model in nursing education, underscoring the profound influence of environmental factors on healthcare outcomes. This essential guide provides a roadmap for curriculum integration and the creation of specialized green nursing courses, ultimately empowering nurses to shape a greener, more sustainable future for healthcare.

 Hebrews: an Earth Bible commentary : a city that cannot be shaken /Jeffrey S. Lamp. In this ecological commentary upon the Letter to the Hebrews, Lamp makes use of the approaches developed in the relatively new field of Ecological Hermeneutics to shed light upon the connection of Hebrews with the Earth. Lamp uses a model of ‘suspicion-identification-retrieval’ in the light of ecojustice principles in his reading.

 Hockey priest: Father David Bauer and the spirit of the Canadian game /Matt Hoven. Hockey Priest looks past understanding Bauer as simply a do-gooder or hockey innovator. It shows how he attempted to create a different stream of hockey that could better support youth and so build up the nation. Archival research for the book uncovered Bauer-written hockey reports, speeches, and notes that detail his thinking about the game and his politicking to bring about change in it.

 John: an Earth Bible commentary : supposing him to be the gardener /Margaret Daly-Denton. This volume in the Earth Bible Commentary series shows how John’s Gospel might motivate and resource a Christian response to the ecological crisis. Daly-Denton reads the gospel with sensitivity to the role of the more-than-human world in the narrative and with particular attention to the scriptural underlay that repeatedly brings this world into the foreground. Each chapter concludes by asking how believers might do God’s work in today’s ecologically damaged world and by offering practical suggestions indicative of the reflection that readers of the commentary will be able to do in their own settings.

 Prepare, succeed, advance: a guidebook for getting a PhD in Biblical studies and beyond /Nijay K. Gupta. From theory to practice, you will find discussions and answers to the most pertinent and pressing questions that prospective and current doctoral students are faced with.

 Promise and prayer: the biblical writings in the light of speech-act theory /Anthony C. Thiselton. This book considers biblical examples of divine promise, from both Old and New Testaments. All speech acts depend upon institutional facts, and Thiselton argues that in the biblical writings Divine promises are based on the prior institution of God’s covenant. That same covenant forms the institutional context of prayer. Thiselton shows how different kinds of prayer–blessing, thanksgiving and praise, petition and intercession–count as speech acts in different ways and to different degrees.

 Shakespeare on salvation: crossing the Reformation divide /David Anonby (TWU AUTHOR) ; foreword by Gary Kuchar. Anonby explores Shakespeare’s negotiation of Reformation controversy about theories of salvation. The author explores how the language and concepts of faith, grace, charity, the sacraments, election, free will, justification, sanctification, and atonement find expression in Shakespeare’s plays. In doing so, this book contributes to the recovery of a greater understanding of the relationship between early modern religion and Shakespearean drama. Throughout this study, the author’s hermeneutic is to read Shakespeare through the lens of early modern theological controversy and to read early modern theology through the lens of Shakespeare.

 Skating on thin ice: professional hockey, rape culture, & violence against women /Walter S. DeKeseredy, Stu Cowan, Martin D. Schwartz ; foreword by Heather Mallick ; afterword by Jack Todd. The book examines the abusive, misogynistic, racist, and homophobic behaviours found in professional hockey and explains the larger societal forces that perpetuate and legitimate these harms. Confirming a recent federal government inquiry into Hockey Canada’s handling of sexual assault allegations, the book reveals that young men enter the NHL and other revenue-generating hockey leagues already trained and primed to treat women as objects–and often to commit violent acts against them. Rooted in the authors’ work in the sports world as well as their work with activists and governments, Skating on Thin Ice doesn’t just highlight the problem of hockey and rape culture, it also provides collaborative solutions for fixing it.

  Teaching where you are: weaving Indigenous and slow principles and pedagogies /Shannon Leddy and Lorrie Miller. Teaching Where You Are offers a guide for non-Indigenous educators to work in good ways with Indigenous students and provides resources across curricular areas to support all students. Bringing forth the ways in which colonialism and cognitive imperialism have shaped Canadian curriculum and consciousness, the book offers avenues for the development of decolonial literacy to support the work of Indigenizing education. In considering the importance of engaging in decolonizing and Indigenizing approaches to education through slow and Indigenous pedagogies using the lens of place-based and land-based education, Teaching Where You Are presents a text useful for teachers and educators grappling with the ongoing impacts of colonialism and the soul-work of how to decolonize and rehumanize education in meaningful ways..

 The gospel and religious freedom: historical studies in evangelicalism and political engagement /David W. Bebbington. Essays exploring trajectories and case studies of evangelical stances toward and advocacy for religious freedom across the globe.

 The Greek verb revisited: a fresh approach for biblical exegesis /Steven E. Runge (TWU AUTHOR) & Christopher J. Fresch, editors. For the past 25 years, debate regarding the nature of tense and aspect in the Koine Greek verb has held New Testament studies at an impasse. The Greek Verb Revisited accounts for existing debate but also examines recent developments from linguistics, which may dramatically shift the direction of this discussion. The papers included in this collection represent the culmination of scholarly collaboration. The outcome is a practical and accessible overview of the Greek verb that moves beyond the current impasse by taking into account the latest scholarship from the fields of linguistics, classics, and New Testament studies.

 The Routledge handbook of memory and place /edited by Sarah De Nardi, Hilary Orange, Steven High, and Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto. This Handbook explores the latest cross-disciplinary research on the inter-relationship between memory studies, place, and identity. This collection provides insights into the significant and diverse role memory plays in our understanding of the world around us, in a variety of spaces and temporalities, and through a variety of disciplinary and professional lenses. Many of the chapters in this Handbook explore place-making, its significance in everyday lives, and its loss. This is a multi- and intra-disciplinary collection of the latest, most influential approaches to the interwoven and dynamic issues of place and memory

 The sociology of sports: an introduction /Tim Delaney and Tim Madigan. The Sociology of Sports represents a fresh approach to the study of sport in society. It provides a straightforward presentation of key sociological concepts and issues that pertain to the study and analysis of sport in contemporary society.  Incorporated into this edition is the impact of a global pandemic that impacted sports at all levels and in all sorts of ways and the social movements of Black Lives Matter and Me Too that impacted sports and became of paramount importance from a sociological perspective.

 We have a dream /written by Mya-Rose Craig ; illustrated by Sabrena Khadija. Indigenous people and people of color are disproportionately affected by climate change, yet often aren’t heard in global conversations. In this book, British Bangladeshi environmentalist and campaigner for equal rights Dr. Mya-Rose Craig profiles 30 young environmental activists who are Indigenous people or people of color, from communities on the frontline of global climate change. Each speaks to the diverse set of issues they are fighting for, from water conservation, to deforestation, to indigenous rights, and shares their dream.

 Work matters: connecting Sunday worship to Monday work /Tom Nelson.  Work Matters engages the theological basis of God’s plan for everyday work.  Nelson explains how the fall has impacted vocation, how God’s redemption touches every sphere of our lives including our work, and how what we do now is connected to what we will do forever. As Nelson connects Sunday worship to Monday morning, he gives readers practical tools for understanding their own gifts, so that they may better live in accord with God’s design for work.

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