Here is a selection of print books recently added to the collection, including a sample of Chinese language books that make up part of our 1500 volume Chinese Collection.
A history of Christianity in Asia, volume 1: Beginnings to 1500. [Chinese Collection]
Christian missions and treaty rights in late Qing China, 1842-1903. [Chinese Collection]
Christianity and Chinese religious order in the new era. [Chinese Collection]
Christianity and Chinese society: a historical review and regional research / [Chinese Collection]
Decolonizing research: indigenous storywork as methodology / edited by Jo-ann Archibald Q’um Q’um Xiiem, Jenny Bol Jun Lee-Morgan and Jason De Santolo; with a foreword by Linda Tuhiwai Smith. Decolonizing Research brings together indigenous researchers and activists from Canada, Australia and New Zealand to assert the unique value of indigenous storywork as a focus of research, and to develop methodologies that rectify the colonial attitudes inherent in much past and current scholarship. By bringing together their own indigenous perspectives, and by treating indigenous storywork on its own terms, the contributors illuminate valuable new avenues for research, and show how such reworked scholarship can contribute to the movement for indigenous rights and self-determination.
Dictionary of the history of Christianity in China. [Chinese Collection]
Elements of biblical exegesis: a basic guide for students and ministers / Michael J. Gorman. Gorman presents a straightforward approach to the complex task of biblical exegesis. This hands-on guide breaks the task down into seven distinct elements. Gorman supplies a clear explanation, practical hints, and suggested exercises to help the reader develop exegetical proficiency. The book addresses the meaning of theological interpretation and provides updated print and internet resources for those who want to pursue further study in any aspect of exegesis. Appendixes offer three sample exegesis papers and practical guidelines for writing a research exegesis paper.
Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, ecrites des missions etrangeres memoires de la Chine. [Chinese Collection]
Light from old times. [Chinese Collection]
Logos & pneuma. Chinese journal of theology. [Chinese Collection]
Mission to China. [Chinese Collection]
Religious studies in contemporary China: the socio-political context. [Chinese Collection]
Setting the roots right: Christian education in China and Taiwan [Chinese Collection]
The awaking of Zarathustra. [Chinese Collection]
The call of China’s great northwest or Kansu and beyond. [Chinese Collection]
The Emperor system and Christianity in the transformation of Japanese modern society. [Chinese Collection]
The miracle of theism: arguments for and against the existence of God / J.L. Mackie. Mackie examines the arguments for and against the existence of God from an atheistic perspective. “The Miracle of Theism” remains a classic in the field of religious philosophy and is widely considered to be one of the best-stated arguments for atheism in print. While many popular works supporting the atheistic perspective come across as unduly angry and self-righteous, Mackie’s work is a much-needed breath of fresh air. One may disagree with Mackie while at the same time respecting his views.
The soul of science: Christian faith and natural philosophy [Chinese Collection]
Zondervan NIV Bible commentary / Kenneth L. Barker & John R. Kohlenberger III, consulting editors. The Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary is an abridgment of the Expositor’s Bible Commentary. Its retains all the essential information and insights of the original twelve-volume set, without technical details. The contributors represent the best in evangelical scholarship from a wide range of denominations. Charts, maps, tables, and pictures have been added to make this two-volume set a reference work that is truly useful for all readers of the Bible.
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