Here is a selection of the 13 items added to the collection in the past week. Click on a title for more information. TWU log in may be required.
The Cambridge companion to ancient ethics /edited by Christopher Bobonich. eBook Students and scholars of ancient philosophy will find this Companion to be a rich and invaluable guide to the themes and movements which characterised the discipline from the Pre-Socratics to the Neo-Platonists. Several chapters are dedicated to the central figures of Plato and Aristotle, and others explore the ethical thought of the Stoics, the Epicureans, the Skeptics, and Plotinus. Further chapters examine important themes that cut across these schools, including virtue and happiness, friendship, elitism, impartiality, and the relationship between ancient eudaimonism and modern morality. Written by leading scholars and drawing on cutting-edge research to illuminate the questions of ancient ethics, the book will provide students and specialists with an indispensable critical overview of the full range of ancient Greek ethics.
The Cambridge companion to religion and terrorism /edited by James Lewis. eBook Bringing varying approaches, from the theoretical to the empirical, to the topic, the Companion includes an array of subjects, such as radicalization, suicide bombing, and rational choice, as well as specific case studies. The result is a richly textured collection that prompts readers to critically consider the cluster of phenomena that we have come to refer to as ‘terrorism,’ and terrorism’s relationship with the similarly problematic set of phenomena that we call ‘religion.'”
The Cambridge companion to the problem of evil /edited by Chad Meister, Paul K. Moser. More than an introduction to the subject, it is a state-of-the-art contribution to the field which provides critical analyses of and creative insights on this longstanding problem. Fresh themes in the book include evil and the meaning of life, beauty and evil, evil and cosmic evolution, and anti-theodicy. Evil is discussed from the perspectives of the major monotheistic religions, agnosticism, and atheism.
The divine dance: the Trinity and your transformation /Richard Rohr, with Mike Morrell. Drawing from Scripture, theology, and the deepest insights of mystics, philosophers, and sages throughout history, the authors present a compelling alternative to aloof and fairytale versions of God: God as Community…as Friendship…as Dance.
John Hunt: [electronic resource] pioneer missionary and saint /by Joseph Nettleton. Hunt arrived in Fiji with his wife in 1839. His main task with Bible translation; he completed the New Testament and had begun the work on translating the Old Testament before his untimely death from dysentery. He was a person of deep religious feeling whose beauty of character and total devotion made a strong impact on the Fijians, even when they did not accept his faith. He respected the Fijian culture and learned to know it well, recognizing both its strengths and challenges. He worked to develop forms of worship that made use of Fijian cultural styles.
Let the earth hear His voice [videorecording] /International Congress on World Evangelization, Lausanne, Switzerland. tells the story of the First Lausanne International Congress on World Evangelization, held in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1974.
Revelation /Peter S. Williamson. EBook Williamson interprets Revelation from within the living tradition of the Church for pastoral ministers, lay readers, and students alike and relates Scripture to Christian life today. Faithfully Catholic, and supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry.
Revelation /J. Scott Duvall ; Mark L. Strauss and John H. Walton, general editors ; Kevin and Sherry Harney, associate editors ; Adam Barr, contributing author. eBook This concise, carefully organized commentary on Revelation for pastors presents biblical scholarship to inform authoritative expository preaching and teaching. Each chapter includes the big idea, key themes, sermon illustrations, and full-color images.
Revelation: a new translation with introduction and commentary /Craig R. Koester. eBook In this landmark commentary, Koester offers a comprehensive look at a powerful and controversial early Christian text, the book of Revelation. The author provides richly textured descriptions of the book’s setting and language, making extensive use of Greek and Latin inscriptions, classical texts, and ancient Jewish writings, including the Dead Sea Scrolls. Rather than viewing Revelation as world-negating, Koester focuses on its deep engagement with social, religious, and economic issues while addressing the book’s volatile history of interpretation. The result is a groundbreaking study that provides bold new insights and sets new directions for the continued appreciation of this text.
Smith of Demerara [electronic resource]martyr-teacher of the slaves /David Chamberlin ; with a preface by Sydney Olivier. John Smith [1790-1824] served with the London Missionary Society in British Guyana. In August 1823 a slave revolt broke out, and Smith, whose sympathies with the slaves were well known, was accused of aiding and assisting the rebellion. He was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. His sentence was remitted, but he died in prison before word reached the colony. Smith was the only missionary who could be said to have been martyred by the West Indian plantocracy.
Speaking our truth: a journey of reconciliation /Monique Gray Smith. Guided by acclaimed Indigenous author Monique Gray Smith, readers will learn about the lives of Survivors and listen to allies who are putting the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission into action.
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