Well maybe not exactly today, but it was definitely this month in 1987 that TWU’s Torch logo was adopted for use, notes TWU archivist Sylvia Stopforth.

TWU’s logo was updated in 2015. This is how the previous version looked.

In both shape and style, the logo’s torch is simple, unaffected, and timeless … With its lines and smoothed curves, it is a flowing representation of the central symbol of the Christian faith, the cross. If you look closely, you’ll also see that the torch presents a stylized “T”, and the flame above it flickers as a lively, flowing “W.” The logo design also suggests a person, holding up the flame of truth with the outstretched arms representing the pages of the Bible, from which the flame rises.

Campus Insights, October, 1993, p. 3

The Torch logo has appeared on everything from business cards and coffee mugs to Trinity’s website. The TWU Archives has copies of a short-lived newsletter called “The Torch,” and the tuition benefit available to children of Trinity personnel is known as the “Torch Award.”

For more information about TWU history visit the TWU Archives.