Here’s a list of the most used EBSCOhost eBooks used in July. Overall some 433 works were consulted showing that TWU  scholarship continues throughout the summer.

 In Living Color: An Intercultural Approach to Pastoral Care and Counseling by Lartey, Emmanuel Yartekwei used 29 times

Navigating Strategic Possibilities: Strategy Formulation and Execution Practices to Flourish by Herholdt, Johan;Ungerer, Gerard;Ungerer, Marius used 26 times

 Some Facets of King Lear: Essays in Prismatic Criticism by Colie, Rosalie L.;Flahiff, F. T. used 25 times

Grammar of Madurese (Mouton grammar library ; 50) by Davies, William D. used 24 times

  Williams’ Hebrew Syntax (3rd Edition) by Beckman, John C.;Williams, Ronald J. used 20 times

Social Role of Liturgy in the Religion of the Qumran Community by Arnold, Russell C. D. used 19 times

 The Tao of Loyalty: Winning with Employees by Rao, Ajit used 19 times

101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens: Using Metaphors in Therapy by Burns, George W. used 16 times

Good and Evil in Shakespeare´s King Lear and Macbeth by Degünther, Alina used 15 times

 A Guide to the Standard EMDR Therapy Protocols for Clinicians, Supervisors, and Consultants, Second Edition by Leeds, Andrew M. used 15 times

 Workplay: 36 Indoor/outdoor Activities for Leadership, Team Building, and Problem Solving by Consalvo, Carmine M. used 13 times

 Toward a Spiritual Research Paradigm: Exploring New Ways of Knowing, Researching and Being by Oxford, Rebecca L.;Culham, Tom E.;Lin, Jing used 13 times

Social Identity and Sectarianism in the Qumran Movement (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah) by Jokiranta, Jutta used 12 times