Here is a selection of new titles added to the collection over the past three weeks of February.
A history of theology /Yves Congar ; translated and edited by Hunter Guthrie, S.J. A new edition of Congar’s A History of Theology, which was originally published in the 1960s. Congar is widely recognised as one of the most important theologians of the twentieth-century and major influence on the theology of the documents of Vatican II
Art and the Bible: two essays /Francis A. Schaeffer ; foreword by Michael Card. The author first examines the scriptural record of the use of various art forms, and then establishes a Christian perspective on art. With clarity and vigor, Schaeffer explains why “the Christian is the one whose imagination should fly beyond the stars.”
Bonhoeffer and the racialized church /Ross E. Halbach. Engages Bonhoeffer on the role of the church in confronting racism through contemporary theologies of race.
Business for transformation: getting started /Patrick Lai. This book draws on years of experience from scores of OPEN workers who are BAM/B4T practitioners. BAM/B4T are among the faster growing segments of the worldwide mission movement. It is written for new workers and coaches who need practical guidance in setting up and doing business in hard, churchless areas.
Claiming notability for women activists in religion /edited by Colleen D. Hartung. Volume one of this series presents the biographies of women activists who have worked as coalition builders, collaborators, mentors, and facilitators of resistance movements. This volume focuses on the concept of notability, used as a standard for inclusion on the Wikipedia platform. Authors variously challenge and extend this benchmark in their coverage of unrecognized, yet noteworthy, women. This critical engagement helps to move the dial on gender bias within the biographical coverage of women.
Collected shorter plays /Samuel Beckett. Plays explore themes such as the manipulation of people by each other, the state’s enslavement of a man, and the hopes and guilts in a man’s past.
Death and the maiden /Ariel Dorfman. Gerardo, a lawyer, is asked to investigate the crimes of a dictatorship, while Paulina, his wife, recognizes Roberto as her torturer.
Krapp’s last tape: and other dramatic pieces /Samuel Beckett. Krapp’s last tape is a monologue of a man who, after 30 years, plays back the autobiographical tape he had recorded on his 39th birthday. All that fall is about the pilgrimage of an old Irish woman to meet her blind, grumbling husband at the train. In Embers, an old man and his wife ramble on and on. In Act without words I, a man responds to inviting off-stage whistles only to be thrown back from the wings. Act without words II has two men emerging from sacks to perform corresponding motions of living.
Muslim insider Christ followers: their theological and missional frames /Jan Hendrik Prenger. Prenger researched the views of 26 Muslim insider Christ followers who are leaders in their movements. You will be surprised by their insights. Prenger presents their views on 21 theology-proper topics such as God, man, the gospel, sin, Satan, the cross, heaven and hell, the Bible, and our mandate. He plotted these views in a theological/missional framework with four paradigms: Fundamental, Ecumenical, Integral, and Global.
The critical edition of Q: synopsis including the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Mark and Thomas with English, German, and French translations of Q and Thomas /edited by James M. Robinson, Paul Hoffmann, John S. Kloppenborg, Milton C. Moreland. This critical text edition includes an introduction; the running text of Q; new translations of Q in English, German, and French; the fully formatted Greek text of Q with parallels in Matthew, Luke, Mark, Gospel of Thomas, and other gospels wherever relevant; a concordance; and a bibliography.
The great Shakespeare jubilee. How a three-day Shakespeare celebration, organized in September, 1769 by David Garrick, turned into a comedy of errors and mismanagement.
The Song of Songs: a commentary on the Book of Canticles or the Song of Songs /by Roland E. Murphy ; edited by S. Dean McBride, Jr. Murphy offers a representative sounding in the major periods of the Song’s exegetical history. Attention is given to the hermeneutical principles operative in the development of Jewish and Christian exposition. Murphy examines the literary character and structure of the Song, aspects of its composition and style, and its meaning and theological significance.
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