Here is a selection of titles added to the collection in the past week

 Simul sanctification: Barth’s hidden vision for human transformation. /Jeff McSwain. McSwain mines the theology of Karl Barth to look ‘through the simul;’ he concludes with Barth that universal human transformation is a reality before it is a possibility, and that, despite our contradictory state, we may live Spirit-filled lives as we participate in Christ’s true humanity that determines ours–a humanity which never gets old.

 Social science and the Christian scriptures: sociological introductions and new translation. Volume 2. Volume 1 Volume 3  /Anthony J. Blasi. Blasi analyzes early Christianity using multiple social scientific theories, including those of Weber, Simmel, Marx, Gramsci, and contemporary theorists. He investigates the canonical New Testament books as representative of early Christianity, a sample based on usage, and he takes the books in the chronological order in which they were written. The result is a series of stills that depict the movement at different stages in its development.

 Leading together: mindfulness and the gender neutral zone /Nicole S. Oliver Snyder ; foreword by Soong-Chan Rah. Snyder describes how mindfulness spiritual practices are both in the DNA of Christian tradition and powerful to unite. Snyder explores what it means to live God’s image as leaders, drawing from scripture and theology, neuroscience and the behavioral sciences. This book is academic and practical, and the start of a discussion about what good and successful leadership might look like.

 The Gospel /Douglas W. Kennard. This book is about stating gospel, especially in the Bible. After surveying historical statements of gospel within their respective soteriology, biblical contexts are explored that identify either: 1) as gospel; 2) promise forgiveness; 3) promise everlasting life; 4) promise kingdom; or 5) promise resurrection with Christ. These five statements indicate the outcomes that are normally associated with the gospel across Christendom. This framework provides legitimate biblical gospel statements within exclusive salvation in Christ.

 Singing with Jesus: the Lord’s psalm /Kurt C. Schaefer. To read the Lord’s Prayer as a psalm, you have to be able to read a psalm as a psalm.  So this book is first of all an adventure in reading the bible’s poetry–the psalms, of course, but also much of the prophets’ testimony.  The Old Testament’s poetry is rich in themes important to the Lord’s Prayer: heaven and earth, kingship and covenant, prophetic teaching and repentance, priesthood and redemption.

 Having nothing, possessing everything: finding abundant communities in unexpected places /Michael Mather. This is the story of how one church found abundance in a community of material poverty. Viewing people—not programs, finances, or service models—as their most valuable resource moved church members beyond their own walls and out into the streets, where they discovered folks rich in strength, talents, determination, and love. Mather’s Having Nothing, Possessing Everything will inspire readers to seek justice in their own local communities and to find abundance and hope all around them.

 Handbook of research on gender and leadership /edited by Susan R. Madsen. The Handbook comprises the latest research from the world’s foremost scholars on women and leadership, exposing problems and offering both theoretical and practical solutions on how to best strengthen the impact of women around the world. The Handbook provides a brief overview of the current state of women in global leadership, explores theories (both established and emerging) focused specifically on women, and examines with both theoretical and empirical research some of the factors that influence women’s motivations to lead. The authors delineate some of the most persistent barriers to women’s leadership success and conclude with the latest research findings on how to best develop women leaders to improve their status worldwide. The Handbook of Research on Gender and Leadership will appeal to scholars and advanced students in leadership and entrepreneurship. It will be essential reading for leadership coaches, practitioners and business people, particularly those who facilitate leadership programs for women.

 The leadership imperative: leading biblically in an age of fluidity /Scott D. Liebhauser ; foreword by Diane M. Wiater. This book provides an unashamed and historic basis for leading others, using biblical truth as the standard. In this work, Liebhauser explains the pitfalls leaders face in these fluid times of resistance to anything authoritative while providing sound principles by which to effectively lead. The reader will appreciate learning about the historical dynamic which fueled postmodern thinking and find hope in the time-tested remedies this book provides.

 Luke’s legato historiography: remembering the continuity of salvation history through rhetorical transitions /David Brack. Using a musical metaphor, this book demonstrates how Luke replies to the  stacatto identity struggles of the first-century church with his own legato version of history. Luke accomplishes this bridging of past events primarily through the ancient practice of rhetorical transitions, and in the process reassures his audiences of the continuity of salvation history throughout the various stages of early Christianity.

 Theosis: Patristic remedy for evangelical yearning at the close of the modern age /Michael Paul Gama ; foreword by Gerald L. Sittser. Seeking to understand Evangelicalism and its origins, this book suggests that Evangelicalism is best understood as the sibling of western, Enlightenment Modernity.

 The love of God holds creation together: Andrew Fuller’s theology of virtue /Ryan P. Hoselton ; Foreword by Michael A. G. Haykin.  In this concise study, Hoselton looks to recover the importance of ethical reasoning in Fuller’s theology and ministry and reflect on its merit for today.

 A Christian utopia: Paul’s community of equality and justice /Stephen J. Gaudet. Based upon the authentic corpus of Paul, a new utopian society was envisaged–a society based on equality and justice for all, not just for the elite. This eschatological community is in sharp contrast with Imperial Rome. Following the death of Paul, writers invoking Paul’s authority by claiming that their texts were authored by the apostle himself, continued writing letters to various Christian communities. However, their texts differed in significant ways from Paul’s vision. Yet these corrupted texts have survived and influenced the development of Christianity for two millennia. It is imperative to retrieve the true vision of Paul for a world in serious need of that eschatological vision.

 Redeeming singleness: postmodern pastoral care and counseling for never-married single women /HyoJu Lee. The author hopes ministers and never-married single women can learn what we think is normal is a very contextual product. The author invites never-married single women to own their own stories instead of being owned by metanarratives in their lives.

 Comfort when the shadow falls: encouraging the dying and those affected by grief /Eddie Sharp, in collaboration with Cheryl Mann Bacon Comfort When the Shadow Falls is a reflective, compassionate, and holistic examination of how Christ calls us to minister in the shadow of death. Not only does it consider the biblical foundation for life, death, and hope, it offers seasoned, practical advice on how to serve the dying, come alongside grieving families, lead in funeral service for expected or sudden losses, and minister to the grieving unchurched in our communities..

 Epistemology and logic in the New Testament: early Jewish context and biblical theology mechanisms that fit within some contemporary ways of knowing /Douglas W. Kennard. 

 Until Christ is formed in you: Dallas Willard and spiritual formation /edited by Steven L. Porter, Gary W. Moon, J.P. Moreland. Until Christ Is Formed in You brings together ten authors who knew Willard well to introduce his wide-ranging vision and consider again the overall significance of this one-of-a-kind teacher. This collection explores topics including the Beatitudes, the relationship of body and soul, the kingdom of God, discipleship to Jesus, the nature of formation, and Ignatian spirituality. The book begins with a comprehensive overview of Willard’s understanding of formation, and it concludes with practical applications of this understanding to the disciplines of psychology and counseling.

 Longevity in leadership: essential qualities of longtime leaders /Phillip V. Lewis, John P. Harrison. Longevity in Leadership was written for those who currently are leading or want to lead in business and in churches. Leading can often be discouraging work, so Longevity in Leadership encourages both leaders and potential leaders to stay the course and lead effectively and successfully for a long time.

 The significance of the temple incident in the narratives of the four gospels /Deolito V. Vistar, Jr. Vistar brings a new perspective to the interpretation of the temple incident by approaching the subject not from the ‘historical Jesus’ point of view but from that of the authors of the Gospels. Using composition criticism as a method, Vistar sensitively analyzes the four Gospels’ accounts of the incident and shows areas of commonalities and crucial areas where the four evangelists have their own distinctive understanding of what Jesus meant by his protest in the temple. This book is a helpful example of the use of composition analysis in the exegesis of Gospel texts. It is also a helpful study of what is now generally taken for granted in Gospel scholarship: that the four evangelists were both historians and theologians.

 The visible shape of Christ’s life in us: meditations on the fruit of the spirit /edited by Bruce Worthington. The Visible Shape of Christ Life in Us is a collection of essays originally preached in the Founders Chapel of Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, in the fall semester of 2018. Originally intended for a diverse audience of students, faculty, and professional clergy, these essays represent the best of Anglican theological insight in the context of the greater Christian community. They are intended for personal reflection, and daily devotion–a welcoming, accessible addition to any theological collection.

 The soteriological use of call by Paul and Luke /Hussey Ian. This volume argues that the usage of καλέω language by both Paul and Luke suggests that it may be a common element in their soteriologies. The author demonstrates that καλέω language is an important concept in the soteriologies of Luke and Paul and that although there are contrasts, there are a number of points of comparison. Crucial to this common understanding is the association of καλέω language with the OT covenants, election, covenant meals, and an expectation of the eschatological banquet. As a result of this prominent and consistent usage by Paul and Luke, the language of καλέω deserves a higher place in the Christian understanding of salvation.

 Brian McLaren in focus: a new kind of apologetics /Scott R. Burson ; foreword by Brian D. McLaren. This book puts McLaren in focus—showing the development of his ideas over time, giving firm assessments of his positions, and offering suggestions of both the strengths and weaknesses of his thinking. Even more, McLaren speaks for himself in these pages as the author of the foreword, and through his extensive, charitable conversation with the author.

 Ezekiel to Jesus: Son of Man to suffering servant /Preston Kavanagh ; Simo Parpola. This short book resolves the mystery of why Jesus chose to call himself Son of Man. Far earlier, the first Son of Man–the prophet Ezekiel–had met death as a Babylonian substitute king. Parpola’s expert exposition about Assyrian substitutes prepares readers for the sacrifice first of Ezekiel and then, far later in time, of Jesus.