Here is a selection of the 32 items added to the collection in the past week. Click on a title for more information (TWU login may be required.)
A brief history of the Magna Carta: the story of the origins of liberty /Geoffrey Hindley. This book retells the story of the events leading up to the signing of the Magna Carta and looks at the document itself, showing how it has resonated throughout the world.
Catholicism: the story of Catholic Christianity /Gerald O’Collins and Mario Farrugia. This lucid and accessible account explains how Roman Catholicism and its beliefs and practices came to be what they are. Renowned scholars, O’Collins and Farrugia move through history to sum up the present characteristics of Catholic Christianity and the major challenges it faces in the third millennium. Clear and engaging, the authors present matters in a fresh and original way. They skilfully depict the Catholic heritage and show that Catholicism is a dynamic and living faith. O’Collins and Farrugia engage with contemporary moral issues and explore the challenges which Catholics and other Christians must face. This is an authoritative, lively, and up-to-date introduction to Catholicism for the twenty-first century.
The chance of salvation: a history of conversion in America /Lincoln A. Mullen. The Chance of Salvation offers a history of conversions in the United States which shows how religious identity came to be a matter of choice. By uncovering the way that religious identity is structured as an obligatory decision, this book explains why Americans change their religions so much, and why the United States is both highly religious in terms of religious affiliation and very secular in the sense that no religion is an unquestioned default.
The Dead Sea scrolls in perspective /John C. Trever.
Death by meeting: a leadership fable– about solving the most painful problem in business /Patrick Lencioni.
Doing action research in your own organization /David Coghlan and Teresa Brannick.
Doing theology in the Philippines /ATS forum contributors, E. Acoba … [et al.].
Ecstasy and common sense /Teresa of Avila ; edited by Tessa Bielecki.
Ethics: a liberative approach /Miguel A. De La Torre. This survey text for religious ethics and theological ethics courses explores how ethical concepts defined as liberationist, is presently manifest around the globe and within the United States across different racial, ethnic, and gender groups. Authored by several contributors, this book elucidates how the powerless and disenfranchised within marginalized communities employ their religious beliefs to articulate a liberationist/liberative religious ethical perspective.
God unbound: wisdom from Galatians for the anxious church /Elaine A. Heath. Heath extends an invitation to broaden our view of God by moving beyond the walls of buildings and programs to become a more diverse church than we have ever imagined. While deeply honoring tradition, she calls the church to boldly follow the Holy Spirit’s leadership into the future. Ideal for a 6- to 9-week small-group study.
The God who plays: a playful approach to theology and spirituality /Brian Edgar. This book explores grace, faith, love, worship, redemption, and the kingdom from the perspective of a playful attitude. It describes how to create a’play ethic’to match the’work ethic’and discusses play as a virtue, Aquinas’s warning against the sin of not playing enough, and Bonhoeffer’s claim that in a world of pain it is only the Christian who can truly play.
The good daughter: a memoir of my mother’s hidden life /Jasmin Darznik.
Higher than hope: the authorized biography of Nelson Mandela /Fatima Meer.
The histories of the Latin American church: a handbook /Joel Morales Cruz. Now, for the first time, a resource exists to help students and scholars understand the histories of Latin American Christianity. An ideal resource, this handbook is designed as an accompaniment to reading and research in the field. After a generous overview to the history and theology of the region, the text moves nation-by-nation, providing timelines, outlines, and substantial introductions to the politics, people, movements, and relevant facts of Christianity as experienced in that nation. The result is an informative and eye-opening introduction to a kaleidoscope of efforts to articulate the meanings and implications of Christianity in the context of Latin America.
The Idiot, an interpretation /Victor Terras.
Idols of nations: biblical myth at the origins of capitalism /Roland Boer and Christina Petterson. Boer and Petterson produce a critical survey showing that the rise of capitalist theory was shaped by the way different economic philosophers — Smith, Hobbes, Grotius, Malthus, Locke — read the Bible. They show that early theories of capitalism were shaped by particular assumptions that these theorists brought to their readings of the story of Eden in particular. They examine those assumptions and evaluate what has changed in subsequent centuries. Idols of Nations shows that the Bible was central to the theorization and economic thought of these key thinkers as it explores the distinct problems each sought to overcome.
If I had lunch with C. S. Lewis: exploring the ideas of C. S. Lewis on the meaning of life /Alister McGrath.
A learning missional church: reflections from young missiologists /edited by Beate Fagerli, Knud Jørgensen, Rolv Olsen, Kari Storstein Haug, and Knut Tveitereid. This book is compiled by contributions from young missiologists from different parts of the world. It is written from the perspective of youth to be a fresh breath of air into more traditional mission thinking and mission paradigms.
Marriage made in Eden: a pre-modern perspective for a post-Christian world /Alice P. Mathews, M. Gay Hubbard.
Media values: inspired by Bill Porter, founder of the International Communications Forum /edited by Richard Lance Keeble.
The New Oxford annotated apocrypha /Michael D. Coogan, editor ; Marc Z. Brettler, Carol A. Newsom, Pheme Perkins, associate editors.
The next library leadership: attributes of academic and public library directors /Peter Hernon, Ronald
Our only hope: more than we can ask or imagine /Margaret B. Adam. Our Only Hope‘ encourages theologians to continue critical and creative examinations of the hope they teach, promote, and presuppose. Adam advocates that those examinations include a reconsideration of dismissed traditional doctrine and a readiness to consider current discourses not traditionally consulted for input on theological hope.
Owning faith [electronic resource]: reimagining the role of church & family in the faith journey of teenagers /edited by Dudley Chancey & Ron Bruner ; foreword by David Kinnaman. Owning Faith is an accessible guide into the adventure-filled spiritual journey of adolescents. If you would like to learn how to be a wise and compassionate companion who can make an eternal difference in the lives of youth, Owning Faith will show you how.
Proverbs: an eclectic edition with introduction and textual commentary /Michael V. Fox.
Pursued by God: the amazing life and lasting influence of John Calvin /Christopher Meehan.
Religion and immigration: migrant faiths in North America and Western Europe /Peter Kivisto. This concise book provides readers with a comprehensive overview and critical assessment of the key issues and varied strands of research relating to immigration and religion that have been produced during the past two decades.
Rethinking materialism: perspectives on the spiritual dimension of economic behavior /edited by Robert Wuthnow.
Simply Christian: why Christianity makes sense /N.T. Wright.
Transforming Africa’s religious landscapes: the Sudan Interior Mission (SIM), past and present /edited by Barbara M. Cooper, Gary R. Corwin, Tibebe Eshete, Musa A. B. Gaiya, Tim Geysbeek et al. This book tells the story of the collaborative efforts of missionaries of the SIM, an international Christian mission founded in North America, and African Christians to evangelize in the wider Sudan (generally meaning countries spanning from Senegal to Ethiopia).
Truly the community: Romans 12 and how to be the Church /Marva J. Dawn.
Tutu: voice of the voiceless /Shirley du Boulay.