In the past week 4 titles added to the library’s collection; below is a sample. Click on a link for more information.
The making of evangelicalism : from revivalism to politics and beyond /Randall Balmer
This book is a spirited history of evangelical Christianity in the United States. Effortlessly situating developments in evangelicalism in their wider historical context, the author demonstrates the ways American social and cultural settings influenced the course of the evangelical tradition.
The new peoplemaking /by Virginia Satir.
This revised and expanded seminal work on families expresses Satir’s most evolved thoughts on self-worth, communication, family systems, and the ways in which people relate to one another. Drawn on Satir’s lifetime of experience with families around the world, the book is written in the engaging style for which she is known.
The pillar (2018-19).
The Pillar Yearbook is the official Trinity Western University annual, and has been published in the spring term of every academic year since 1962-63.
Virginia Satir : her life and circle of influence /edited by Mel Suhd, Laura Dodson, and Maria Gomori.
This book honours the life of American author and therapist, known for her approach to family therapy. Regarded as the “Mother of Family Therapy”, Satir pioneered work in the field of family reconstruction therapy, and for creating the Virginia Satir Change Process Model, a psychological model developed through clinical studies.
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