24 hours in ancient Rome: a day in the life of the people who lived there /Philip Matyszak. Walk a day in a Roman’s sandals. In this entertaining and enlightening guide, bestselling historian  Matyszak introduces us to the people who lived and worked there. In each hour of the day we meet a new character – from emperor to slave girl, gladiator to astrologer, medicine woman to water-clock maker – and discover the fascinating details of their daily lives.

 A brief introduction to Buddhism /updated and revised by Tim Dowley ; general editor: Christopher Partirdge. The content is enhanced by charts of religious festivals, historic timelines, updated maps, and a useful glossary. It is ideal for courses on Buddhism and Asian religions and will be a useful reference for all readers eager to learn more.

 A brief introduction to Hinduism /updated and revised by Tim Dowley ; general editor: Christopher Partridge. This brief introduction to Hinduism is designed to help readers understand this important religious tradition. The user-friendly content is enhanced by charts of religious festivals, timelines, updated maps, and a useful glossary. It is ideal for courses on South Asian religions and will be a useful reference for all readers eager to learn more.

 After the monkey trial: evangelical scientists and a new creationism /Christopher M. Rios. This book sheds light on the under-studied story of twentieth-century Christians who remained theologically conservative, but refused to take up arms against modern science – those who sought to show the compatibility of biblical Christianity and the conclusions of mainstream science, including evolution.

 Altogether lovely: a thematic and intertextual reading of the Song of Songs /Havilah Dharamraj. Dharamraj approaches the Song with a clear vision of the gendering of power relationships in the ancient Near East and through an intertextual method centered not on production but on the reception of texts. She sets the Song’s lyrical portrayal of passion and intimacy alongside other canonical portrayals of love spurned, lust, rejection, and sexual violence from Hosea, Ezekiel, and Isaiah. The result is a richly nuanced exposition of the possibilities of intimacy and remorse in interhuman and divine-human relationship.

 American encounters: natives and newcomers from European contact to Indian removal, 1500-1850 /edited by Peter C. Mancall and James H. Merrell.  This timely anthology brings together much of the best work available on early Native American history, offering comprehensive yet focused coverage on a wide array of topics from contact, exchange and diplomacy to religion, disease and warfare.

 Bible and ethics in the Christian life: a new conversation /Bruce C. Birch, Jacqueline E. Lapsley, Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, and Larry L. Rasmussen. Biblical scholars and Christian ethicists carry on “a new conversation” that engages how Christians are to understand the authority and use of Scripture, the basic elements of any full-bodied Christian ethic attuned to our circumstances, and the nature of our responsibility to our planetary neighbors and creation itself.

 Body parts: a theological anthropology /Michelle Voss Roberts. Body Parts claims the importance of embodiment, difference, and limitation–not only as descriptions of the human condition but also as part of the imago Dei itself. This thesis is inspired by a parallel claim in an Indian tradition that posits the reflection of the divine body in humanity. Its thirty-six parts invite Christians to consider how consciousness, limitations, mental and emotional capacities, organs of sensation and action, and elements are reflections of divinity. Each chapter pursues openings in the Christian theological tradition in order to imagine these sets of “body parts” as the image of God.

 Charcoal’s world: the true story of a Canadian Indian’s last stand /Hugh A. Dempsey. This book tells the story of Charcoal, the son of a great Blackfoot leader who’s beliefs had no place in a world transformed by the white man’s rules. Clinging to his people’s traditions, he came into conflict with the new laws of the land and became an outlaw. His story reflects the conflicting values and cultures of turn-of-the-century Canada and the relationship between white men and Natives.

 Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance: the glorious imposter /Donald B. Smith. Sylvester Long, the son of mixed-blood parents born into slavery in the American south,” entered an Indian residential school and became “the noble savage,” sought for motion pictures and social events with America’s elite.

Chief Smallboy: in pursuit of freedom /Gary Botting.  Chief Smallboy was from the Ermineskin Reserve near Hobbema, Alberta. Gravely concerned about the corrupting effects of White society on his people, Smallboy spent fifteen years planning and dreaming a solution. Then, in 1968, he led 140 members of his band to establish a traditional Native community on sacred Indian land in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Botting relies on the vibrant and highly accurate Cree oral tradition for story details. Thus, he presents a fascinating account that approximates the way Chief Smallboy viewed himself and his family history, meticulously corroborated by written records and through other sources.

 Chippewa customs /by Frances Densmore. Chippewa Customs, first published in 1929, remains an authoritative source for the tribal history, customs, legends, traditions, art, music, economy, and leisure activities of the Chippewa (Ojibway) Indians of the United States and Canada.

Christian exegesis of the Qur’an: a critical analysis of the apologetic use of the Qur’an in select medieval and contemporary Arabic texts /Scott Bridger. A revealing exploration of how Arabic-speaking Christians have used the Qur’an for exegetical purposes, providing insights relevant to Muslim-Christian relations today.

 Christian slavery: conversion and race in the protestant Atlantic world /Katharine Gerbner. In this book, the author contends that religion was fundamental to the development of both slavery and race in the Protestant Atlantic world. This book shows how the contentions between slave owners, enslaved people, and missionaries transformed the practice of Protestantism and the language of race in the early modern Atlantic world.

 Christian understandings of creation: the historical trajectory /Denis Edwards. This book attempts to explore a trajectory of the Christian theology of creation that begins with the Scriptures, and runs through the work of theologians from the second to the twenty-first centuries. There is a sense in which this broad theological tradition constitutes a trajectory, in the singular. But there is a rich diversity of creation theologies in this tradition, beginning with the diversity of the biblical texts themselves.

 Christianity made in India: from apostle Thomas to Mother Teresa /Roger E. Hedlund. Discusses the indigenization of Christianity in the Indian context. It is set in the larger context of the exceptional growth of the church in the non-Western world during the twentieth century, which has been characterized by a diversity of localized cultural expressions. It recognizes that the center of Christian influence numerically and theologically is shifting wouthward to Africa, Latin America, and Asia. It affirms the reality that wherever the gospel goes, it takes root in the local culture.

 Communal reading in the time of Jesus: a window into early Christian reading practices /Brian J. Wright. Wright exames evidence that demonstrates communal reading events in the first century. He disproves the simplistic notion that only a small segment of society in certain urban areas could have been involved in such communal reading events during the first century; rather, communal reading permeated a complex, multifaceted cultural field in which early Christians, Philo, and many others participated. His study thus pushes the academic conversation back by at least a century and raises important new questions regarding the formation of the Jesus tradition, the contours of book culture in early Christianity, and factors shaping the transmission of the text of the New Testament.

Crispina and her sisters: women and authority in early Christianity /Christine Schenk, CSJ. This book explores visual imagery found on burial artifacts of prominent early Christian women. It carefully situates the tomb art within the cultural context of customary Roman commemorations of the dead. Recent scholarship about Roman portrait sarcophagi and the interpretation of early Christian art is also given significant attention. A review of women’s history in the first four centuries of Christianity provides important context.

 Cross vision: how the crucifixion of Jesus makes sense of Old Testament violence /Gregory A. Boyd. With the sensitivity of a pastor and the intellect of a theologian, Boyd proposes the “cruciform hermeneutic,” a way to read the Old Testament portraits of God through the lens of Jesus’ crucifixion. In Cross Vision, Boyd follows up on his epic and groundbreaking study, The Crucifixion of the Warrior God. He shows how the death and resurrection of Jesus reframes the troubling violence of the Old Testament, how all of Scripture reveals God’s self-sacrificial love, and, most importantly, how we can follow Jesus’ example of peace.

 Diaspora Christianities: global scattering and gathering of South Asian Christians /editor, Sam George. This volume includes biblical reflections on diasporic life, charts the historical and geographical spread of South Aisian Christianity, and closes with a call to missional living in diaspora. It analyzes how migrants revive Christianity in adopted host nations and ancestral homelands

 Dignity and grace: wisdom for caregivers and those living with dementia /Janet Ramsey. Drawing on her own experience, as well as interviews with eight family and professional caregivers, Janet L. Ramsey helps caregivers and those with impaired memories learn as they listen to each other. She also shows them how the Holy Spirit can awaken their imagination and understanding while they discover how to live with dementia.

 Doing justice: congregations and community organizing /Dennis A. Jacobsen. Doing Justice introduces people of faith to congregation-based community organizing rooted in the day-to-day struggles and hopes of urban ministry. Jacobsen weaves theological and biblical warrants for community organizing into concrete strategies for achieving justice in the public arena and discusses fundamental organizing principles like power, self-interest, and agitation

 First principles, second thoughts: Aboriginal peoples, constitutional reform, and Canadian statecraft /Bryan Schwartz.

Governments in conflict?: provinces and Indian nations in Canada /edited by J. Anthony Long and Menno Boldt in association with Leroy Little Bear.

 How to pronounce knife: stories /Souvankham Thammavongsa. With these startling stories, Thammavongsa paints an indelible portrait of immigrants and refugees caught between cultures, languages, and values, and struggling to find their bearings far from home, even as they do the necessary “grunt work of the world.” In spare, intimate prose charged with emotional power and a sly wit, she immerses us in the lives of watchful children, lovelorn men, and restless women, illuminating their hopes, heartbreaks, acts of defiance, willingness to laugh at themselves, and, above all, their pursuit of a place to make their own. Told with tenderness, wry humour, and an unflinching eye for the sometimes absurd realities of having to start your life over again, How to Pronounce Knife announces Thammavongsa as one of the most striking voices of her generation.

 Indian herbalogy of North America /Alma R. Hutchens. For more than twenty years this pioneering work had served as a bible for herbalists throughout the world. It is an illustrated encyclopedic guide to more than two hundred medicinal plants found in North America, with descriptions of each plant’s appearance and uses, and directions for methods of use and dosage. Native American traditions are compared with traditional uses of the same plants among other cultures where the science of herbs has flourished, particularly in Russia and China. Included is an annotated bibliography of pertinent books and periodicals.

Lenin in Zurich: chapters /Alexander Solzhenitsyn ; translated by H.T. Willetts. With incomparable knowledge of the events and people, Solzhenitsyn explores and clarifies the crucial years 1914-17 and draws a compelling psychological portrait of the man who was the architect of the Revolution. Lenin in Zurich chronicles Lenin’s frustrating exile in Switzerland, from his arrest in Cracow and subsequent flight to Zurich at the outbreak of World War I to his departure for Russia in 1917 in a sealed train protected by the German government, years in which Lenin stood alone, without support from the deeply divided European socialist movement and isolated from his fellow revolutionaries. Solzhenitsyn examines the private man as well as the familiar public figure, concentrating on facets of Lenin’s personality and behavior that have been glossed over in most books about him: his disillusionment and dejection over the future of the Bolshevik cause, his love for lnessa Armand, his preoccupation with the difficulties of subsidizing the activities of his party, and, most important, his secret safe-passage and financial arrangements with the Germans.

 No foreign land: the biography of a Northern American Indian [by] Wilfred Pelletier and Ted Poole. Pelletier’s tale is a quiet and beautiful account of one man’s belief in his people and in their traditions and customs

Partners in confederation: aboriginal peoples, self-government, and the Constitution. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

 The Ghost Dance /James Mooney. First published a century ago, The Ghost Dance is a unique first-hand account of a messianic movement against white subjugation that arose among Native Americans of the West and the Plains in the latter part of the 19th-century.

 The Ojibwa of western Canada, 1780 to 1870 /Laura Peers. This work traces the origins of the western Ojibwa, their adaptations to the West, and the ways in which they have coped with the many challenges they faced in the first century of their history in that region, between 1780 and 1870. The Ojibwa of Western Canada differs from earlier works by focussing closely on the details of western Ojibwa history in the crucial century of their emergence. It is based on documents to which pioneering scholars did not have access, including fur traders’ and missionaries’ journals, letters, and reminiscences. Ethnographic and archaeological data, and the evidence of material culture and photographic and art images, are also examined in this well-researched and clearly written history.

 We get our living like milk from the land /edited Lee Maracle [and others] ; researched and compiled by the Okanagan Rights Committee and the Okanagan Indian Education Resource Society.  The first historical overview of the Okanagan Nation. It starts with the Creation Story, moves through the first contact of colonization and ends in the present.